
A class which encapsulates a hash table. It organizes hash table in a relational data storage manner by using xml files for storage and indexing purposes. More...

A class which encapsulates a hash table. It organizes hash table in a relational data storage manner by using xml files for storage and indexing purposes.

Georgi Pashev

Documentation of XML files, that hash_table uses to store and retrieve data. Data files: Data files have name data_[i].xml where [i] is calculated hash value for an id or a group of ids of records. an example data file has the following structure:

 <records trid="3">
 <rec id="3">

Index files are named index_[searchby_name]_[hashvalue].xml where [searchby_name] is the name of the field by which index is created and [hashvalue] is the calculated hash value for the redirections in the index. an example data file has the following structure:

 <rec id="3">

where value is the value of the field, for which index is created. Main file, which contains data about the hash table itself. The name of the file is: hash_main.xml Its structure is as follows:

  <columns nr="3">
seaby=1 if index files must be created for that field. Do not alter manually. This is only done by the constructor of the class. deletedids consists of ; separated list of ids of deleted records, in order to perform id defragmentation.
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