Go to the documentation of this file.
00054 #endif
00055 #include "xmlParser.h"
00056 #ifdef _XMLWINDOWS
00057 //#ifdef _DEBUG
00058 //#define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
00059 //#include <crtdbg.h>
00060 //#endif
00061 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
00062 #include <Windows.h> // to have IsTextUnicode, MultiByteToWideChar, WideCharToMultiByte to handle unicode files
00063                      // to have "MessageBoxA" to display error messages for openFilHelper
00064 #endif
00066 #include <memory.h>
00067 #include <assert.h>
00068 #include <stdio.h>
00069 #include <string.h>
00070 #include <stdlib.h>
00072 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getVersion() { return _CXML("v2.42"); }
00073 void freeXMLString(XMLSTR t){if(t)free(t);}
00075 static XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding characterEncoding=XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8;
00076 static char guessWideCharChars=1, dropWhiteSpace=1, removeCommentsInMiddleOfText=1;
00078 inline int mmin( const int t1, const int t2 ) { return t1 < t2 ? t1 : t2; }
00080 // You can modify the initialization of the variable "XMLClearTags" below
00081 // to change the clearTags that are currently recognized by the library.
00082 // The number on the second columns is the length of the string inside the
00083 // first column.
00084 // The "<!DOCTYPE" declaration must be the second in the list.
00085 // The "<!--" declaration must be the third in the list.
00086 // All ClearTag Strings must start with the '<' character.
00087 typedef struct { XMLCSTR lpszOpen; int openTagLen; XMLCSTR lpszClose;} ALLXMLClearTag;
00088 static ALLXMLClearTag XMLClearTags[] =
00089 {
00090     {    _CXML("<![CDATA["),9,  _CXML("]]>")      },
00091     {    _CXML("<!DOCTYPE"),9,  _CXML(">")        },
00092     {    _CXML("<!--")     ,4,  _CXML("-->")      },
00093     {    _CXML("<PRE>")    ,5,  _CXML("</PRE>")   },
00094 //  {    _CXML("<Script>") ,8,  _CXML("</Script>")},
00095     {    NULL              ,0,  NULL           }
00096 };
00098 // You can modify the initialization of the variable "XMLEntities" below
00099 // to change the character entities that are currently recognized by the library.
00100 // The number on the second columns is the length of the string inside the
00101 // first column. Additionally, the syntaxes "&#xA0;" and "&#160;" are recognized.
00102 typedef struct { XMLCSTR s; int l; XMLCHAR c;} XMLCharacterEntity;
00103 static XMLCharacterEntity XMLEntities[] =
00104 {
00105     { _CXML("&amp;" ), 5, _CXML('&' )},
00106     { _CXML("&lt;"  ), 4, _CXML('<' )},
00107     { _CXML("&gt;"  ), 4, _CXML('>' )},
00108     { _CXML("&quot;"), 6, _CXML('\"')},
00109     { _CXML("&apos;"), 6, _CXML('\'')},
00110     { NULL           , 0, '\0'    }
00111 };
00113 // When rendering the XMLNode to a string (using the "createXMLString" function),
00114 // you can ask for a beautiful formatting. This formatting is using the
00115 // following indentation character:
00116 #define INDENTCHAR _CXML('\t')
00118 // The following function parses the XML errors into a user friendly string.
00119 // You can edit this to change the output language of the library to something else.
00120 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getError(XMLError xerror)
00121 {
00122     switch (xerror)
00123     {
00124     case eXMLErrorNone:                  return _CXML("No error");
00125     case eXMLErrorMissingEndTag:         return _CXML("Warning: Unmatched end tag");
00126     case eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound:         return _CXML("Warning: No XML tag found");
00127     case eXMLErrorEmpty:                 return _CXML("Error: No XML data");
00128     case eXMLErrorMissingTagName:        return _CXML("Error: Missing start tag name");
00129     case eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName:     return _CXML("Error: Missing end tag name");
00130     case eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag:       return _CXML("Error: Unmatched end tag");
00131     case eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndClearTag:  return _CXML("Error: Unmatched clear tag end");
00132     case eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken:       return _CXML("Error: Unexpected token found");
00133     case eXMLErrorNoElements:            return _CXML("Error: No elements found");
00134     case eXMLErrorFileNotFound:          return _CXML("Error: File not found");
00135     case eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound:      return _CXML("Error: First Tag not found");
00136     case eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity:return _CXML("Error: Unknown character entity");
00137     case eXMLErrorCharacterCodeAbove255: return _CXML("Error: Character code above 255 is forbidden in MultiByte char mode.");
00138     case eXMLErrorCharConversionError:   return _CXML("Error: unable to convert between WideChar and MultiByte chars");
00139     case eXMLErrorCannotOpenWriteFile:   return _CXML("Error: unable to open file for writing");
00140     case eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile:       return _CXML("Error: cannot write into file");
00142     case eXMLErrorBase64DataSizeIsNotMultipleOf4: return _CXML("Warning: Base64-string length is not a multiple of 4");
00143     case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData:      return _CXML("Warning: Base64-string is truncated");
00144     case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter:   return _CXML("Error: Base64-string contains an illegal character");
00145     case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall:     return _CXML("Error: Base64 decode output buffer is too small");
00146     };
00147     return _CXML("Unknown");
00148 }
00151 //      Here start the abstraction layer to be OS-independent          //
00154 // Here is an abstraction layer to access some common string manipulation functions.
00155 // The abstraction layer is currently working for gcc, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0,
00156 // Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, CC (sun compiler) and Borland C++.
00157 // If you plan to "port" the library to a new system/compiler, all you have to do is
00158 // to edit the following lines.
00159 #ifdef XML_NO_WIDE_CHAR
00160 char myIsTextWideChar(const void *b, int len) { return FALSE; }
00161 #else
00162     #if defined (UNDER_CE) || !defined(_XMLWINDOWS)
00163     char myIsTextWideChar(const void *b, int len) // inspired by the Wine API: RtlIsTextUnicode
00164     {
00165 #ifdef sun
00166         // for SPARC processors: wchar_t* buffers must always be alligned, otherwise it's a char* buffer.
00167         if ((((unsigned long)b)%sizeof(wchar_t))!=0) return FALSE;
00168 #endif
00169         const wchar_t *s=(const wchar_t*)b;
00171         // buffer too small:
00172         if (len<(int)sizeof(wchar_t)) return FALSE;
00174         // odd length test
00175         if (len&1) return FALSE;
00177         /* only checks the first 256 characters */
00178         len=mmin(256,len/sizeof(wchar_t));
00180         // Check for the special byte order:
00181         if (*((unsigned short*)s) == 0xFFFE) return TRUE;     // IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_SIGNATURE;
00182         if (*((unsigned short*)s) == 0xFEFF) return TRUE;      // IS_TEXT_UNICODE_SIGNATURE
00184         // checks for ASCII characters in the UNICODE stream
00185         int i,stats=0;
00186         for (i=0; i<len; i++) if (s[i]<=(unsigned short)255) stats++;
00187         if (stats>len/2) return TRUE;
00189         // Check for UNICODE NULL chars
00190         for (i=0; i<len; i++) if (!s[i]) return TRUE;
00192         return FALSE;
00193     }
00194     #else
00195     char myIsTextWideChar(const void *b,int l) { return (char)IsTextUnicode((CONST LPVOID)b,l,NULL); }
00196     #endif
00197 #endif
00199 #ifdef _XMLWINDOWS
00200 // for Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Borland C++ Builder 6.0
00201     #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00202         wchar_t *myMultiByteToWideChar(const char *s, XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce)
00203         {
00204             int i;
00205             if (ce==XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) i=(int)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0             ,s,-1,NULL,0);
00206             else                            i=(int)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP ,MB_PRECOMPOSED,s,-1,NULL,0);
00207             if (i<0) return NULL;
00208             wchar_t *d=(wchar_t *)malloc((i+1)*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
00209             if (ce==XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) i=(int)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0             ,s,-1,d,i);
00210             else                            i=(int)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP ,MB_PRECOMPOSED,s,-1,d,i);
00211             d[i]=0;
00212             return d;
00213         }
00214         static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename,XMLCSTR mode) { return _wfopen(filename,mode); }
00215         static inline int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c)   { return (int)wcslen(c); }
00216         static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return _wcsnicmp(c1,c2,l);}
00217         static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wcsncmp(c1,c2,l);}
00218         static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return _wcsicmp(c1,c2); }
00219         static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcsstr(c1,c2); }
00220         static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcscpy(c1,c2); }
00221     #else
00222         char *myWideCharToMultiByte(const wchar_t *s)
00223         {
00224             UINT codePage=CP_ACP; if (characterEncoding==XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) codePage=CP_UTF8;
00225             int i=(int)WideCharToMultiByte(codePage,  // code page
00226                 0,                       // performance and mapping flags
00227                 s,                       // wide-character string
00228                 -1,                       // number of chars in string
00229                 NULL,                       // buffer for new string
00230                 0,                       // size of buffer
00231                 NULL,                    // default for unmappable chars
00232                 NULL                     // set when default char used
00233                 );
00234             if (i<0) return NULL;
00235             char *d=(char*)malloc(i+1);
00236             WideCharToMultiByte(codePage,  // code page
00237                 0,                       // performance and mapping flags
00238                 s,                       // wide-character string
00239                 -1,                       // number of chars in string
00240                 d,                       // buffer for new string
00241                 i,                       // size of buffer
00242                 NULL,                    // default for unmappable chars
00243                 NULL                     // set when default char used
00244                 );
00245             d[i]=0;
00246             return d;
00247         }
00248         static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename,XMLCSTR mode) { return fopen(filename,mode); }
00249         static inline int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c)   { return (int)strlen(c); }
00250         #ifdef __BORLANDC__
00251             static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strnicmp(c1,c2,l);}
00252             static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return stricmp(c1,c2); }
00253         #else
00254             static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return _strnicmp(c1,c2,l);}
00255             static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return _stricmp(c1,c2); }
00256         #endif
00257         static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strncmp(c1,c2,l);}
00258         static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strstr(c1,c2); }
00259         static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strcpy(c1,c2); }
00260     #endif
00261 #else
00262 // for gcc and CC
00263     #ifdef XML_NO_WIDE_CHAR
00264         char *myWideCharToMultiByte(const wchar_t *s) { return NULL; }
00265     #else
00266         char *myWideCharToMultiByte(const wchar_t *s)
00267         {
00268             const wchar_t *ss=s;
00269             int i=(int)wcsrtombs(NULL,&ss,0,NULL);
00270             if (i<0) return NULL;
00271             char *d=(char *)malloc(i+1);
00272             wcsrtombs(d,&s,i,NULL);
00273             d[i]=0;
00274             return d;
00275         }
00276     #endif
00277     #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00278         wchar_t *myMultiByteToWideChar(const char *s, XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce)
00279         {
00280             const char *ss=s;
00281             int i=(int)mbsrtowcs(NULL,&ss,0,NULL);
00282             if (i<0) return NULL;
00283             wchar_t *d=(wchar_t *)malloc((i+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));
00284             mbsrtowcs(d,&s,i,NULL);
00285             d[i]=0;
00286             return d;
00287         }
00288         int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c)   { return wcslen(c); }
00289         #ifdef sun
00290         // for CC
00291            #include <widec.h>
00292            static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wsncasecmp(c1,c2,l);}
00293            static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wsncmp(c1,c2,l);}
00294            static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return wscasecmp(c1,c2); }
00295         #else
00296         static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wcsncmp(c1,c2,l);}
00297             #ifdef __linux__
00298             // for gcc/linux
00299             static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wcsncasecmp(c1,c2,l);}
00300             static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return wcscasecmp(c1,c2); }
00301             #else
00302             #include <wctype.h>
00303             // for gcc/non-linux (MacOS X 10.3, FreeBSD 6.0, NetBSD 3.0, OpenBSD 3.8, AIX 4.3.2, HP-UX 11, IRIX 6.5, OSF/1 5.1, Cygwin, mingw)
00304             static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2)
00305             {
00306                 wchar_t left,right;
00307                 do
00308                 {
00309                     left=towlower(*c1++); right=towlower(*c2++);
00310                 } while (left&&(left==right));
00311                 return (int)left-(int)right;
00312             }
00313             static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l)
00314             {
00315                 wchar_t left,right;
00316                 while(l--)
00317                 {
00318                     left=towlower(*c1++); right=towlower(*c2++);
00319                     if ((!left)||(left!=right)) return (int)left-(int)right;
00320                 }
00321                 return 0;
00322             }
00323             #endif
00324         #endif
00325         static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcsstr(c1,c2); }
00326         static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcscpy(c1,c2); }
00327         static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename,XMLCSTR mode)
00328         {
00329             char *filenameAscii=myWideCharToMultiByte(filename);
00330             FILE *f;
00331             if (mode[0]==_CXML('r')) f=fopen(filenameAscii,"rb");
00332             else                     f=fopen(filenameAscii,"wb");
00333             free(filenameAscii);
00334             return f;
00335         }
00336     #else
00337         static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename,XMLCSTR mode) { return fopen(filename,mode); }
00338         static inline int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c)   { return strlen(c); }
00339         static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strncasecmp(c1,c2,l);}
00340         static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strncmp(c1,c2,l);}
00341         static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return strcasecmp(c1,c2); }
00342         static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strstr(c1,c2); }
00343         static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strcpy(c1,c2); }
00344     #endif
00345     static inline int _strnicmp(const char *c1,const char *c2, int l) { return strncasecmp(c1,c2,l);}
00346 #endif
00350 //            the "xmltoc,xmltob,xmltoi,xmltol,xmltof,xmltoa" functions      //
00352 // These 6 functions are not used inside the XMLparser.
00353 // There are only here as "convenience" functions for the user.
00354 // If you don't need them, you can delete them without any trouble.
00355 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00356     #ifdef _XMLWINDOWS
00357     // for Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Borland C++ Builder 6.0
00358         char    xmltob(XMLCSTR t,char    v){ if (t&&(*t)) return (char)_wtoi(t); return v; }
00359         int     xmltoi(XMLCSTR t,int     v){ if (t&&(*t)) return _wtoi(t); return v; }
00360         long    xmltol(XMLCSTR t,long    v){ if (t&&(*t)) return _wtol(t); return v; }
00361         double  xmltof(XMLCSTR t,double  v){ if (t&&(*t)) swscanf(t, L"%lf", &v); /*v=_wtof(t);*/ return v; }
00362     #else
00363         #ifdef sun
00364         // for CC
00365            #include <widec.h>
00366            char    xmltob(XMLCSTR t,char    v){ if (t) return (char)wstol(t,NULL,10); return v; }
00367            int     xmltoi(XMLCSTR t,int     v){ if (t) return (int)wstol(t,NULL,10); return v; }
00368            long    xmltol(XMLCSTR t,long    v){ if (t) return wstol(t,NULL,10); return v; }
00369         #else
00370         // for gcc
00371            char    xmltob(XMLCSTR t,char    v){ if (t) return (char)wcstol(t,NULL,10); return v; }
00372            int     xmltoi(XMLCSTR t,int     v){ if (t) return (int)wcstol(t,NULL,10); return v; }
00373            long    xmltol(XMLCSTR t,long    v){ if (t) return wcstol(t,NULL,10); return v; }
00374         #endif
00375                 double  xmltof(XMLCSTR t,double  v){ if (t&&(*t)) swscanf(t, L"%lf", &v); /*v=_wtof(t);*/ return v; }
00376     #endif
00377 #else
00378     char    xmltob(XMLCSTR t,char    v){ if (t&&(*t)) return (char)atoi(t); return v; }
00379     int     xmltoi(XMLCSTR t,int     v){ if (t&&(*t)) return atoi(t); return v; }
00380     long    xmltol(XMLCSTR t,long    v){ if (t&&(*t)) return atol(t); return v; }
00381     double  xmltof(XMLCSTR t,double  v){ if (t&&(*t)) return atof(t); return v; }
00382 #endif
00383 XMLCSTR xmltoa(XMLCSTR t,      XMLCSTR v){ if (t)       return  t; return v; }
00384 XMLCHAR xmltoc(XMLCSTR t,const XMLCHAR v){ if (t&&(*t)) return *t; return v; }
00387 //                    the "openFileHelper" function                    //
00390 // Since each application has its own way to report and deal with errors, you should modify & rewrite
00391 // the following "openFileHelper" function to get an "error reporting mechanism" tailored to your needs.
00392 XMLNode XMLNode::openFileHelper(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag)
00393 {
00394     // guess the value of the global parameter "characterEncoding"
00395     // (the guess is based on the first 200 bytes of the file).
00396     FILE *f=xfopen(filename,_CXML("rb"));
00397     if (f)
00398     {
00399         char bb[205];
00400         int l=(int)fread(bb,1,200,f);
00401         setGlobalOptions(guessCharEncoding(bb,l),guessWideCharChars,dropWhiteSpace,removeCommentsInMiddleOfText);
00402         fclose(f);
00403     }
00405     // parse the file
00406     XMLResults pResults;
00407     XMLNode xnode=XMLNode::parseFile(filename,tag,&pResults);
00409     // display error message (if any)
00410     if (pResults.error != eXMLErrorNone)
00411     {
00412         // create message
00413         char message[2000],*s1=(char*)"",*s3=(char*)""; XMLCSTR s2=_CXML("");
00414         if (pResults.error==eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound) { s1=(char*)"First Tag should be '"; s2=tag; s3=(char*)"'.\n"; }
00415         sprintf(message,
00416 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00417             "XML Parsing error inside file '%S'.\n%S\nAt line %i, column %i.\n%s%S%s"
00418 #else
00419             "XML Parsing error inside file '%s'.\n%s\nAt line %i, column %i.\n%s%s%s"
00420 #endif
00421             ,filename,XMLNode::getError(pResults.error),pResults.nLine,pResults.nColumn,s1,s2,s3);
00423         // display message
00424 #if defined(_XMLWINDOWS) && !defined(UNDER_CE) && !defined(_XMLPARSER_NO_MESSAGEBOX_)
00425         MessageBoxA(NULL,message,"XML Parsing error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR|MB_TOPMOST);
00426 #else
00427         printf("%s",message);
00428 #endif
00429         exit(255);
00430     }
00431     return xnode;
00432 }
00435 //      Here start the core implementation of the XMLParser library    //
00438 // You should normally not change anything below this point.
00440 #ifndef _XMLWIDECHAR
00441 // If "characterEncoding=ascii" then we assume that all characters have the same length of 1 byte.
00442 // If "characterEncoding=UTF8" then the characters have different lengths (from 1 byte to 4 bytes).
00443 // If "characterEncoding=ShiftJIS" then the characters have different lengths (from 1 byte to 2 bytes).
00444 // This table is used as lookup-table to know the length of a character (in byte) based on the
00445 // content of the first byte of the character.
00446 // (note: if you modify this, you must always have XML_utf8ByteTable[0]=0 ).
00447 static const char XML_utf8ByteTable[256] =
00448 {
00449     //  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00450     0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x00
00451     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x10
00452     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x20
00453     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x30
00454     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x40
00455     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x50
00456     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x60
00457     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x70 End of ASCII range
00458     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x80 0x80 to 0xc1 invalid
00459     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x90
00460     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0xa0
00461     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0xb0
00462     1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xc0 0xc2 to 0xdf 2 byte
00463     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xd0
00464     3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,// 0xe0 0xe0 to 0xef 3 byte
00465     4,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 // 0xf0 0xf0 to 0xf4 4 byte, 0xf5 and higher invalid
00466 };
00467 static const char XML_legacyByteTable[256] =
00468 {
00469     0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
00470     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
00471     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
00472     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
00473     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
00474     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
00475 };
00476 static const char XML_sjisByteTable[256] =
00477 {
00478     //  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00479     0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x00
00480     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x10
00481     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x20
00482     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x30
00483     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x40
00484     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x50
00485     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x60
00486     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x70
00487     1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0x80 0x81 to 0x9F 2 bytes
00488     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0x90
00489     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0xa0
00490     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0xb0
00491     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0xc0
00492     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0xd0
00493     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xe0 0xe0 to 0xef 2 bytes
00494     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 // 0xf0
00495 };
00496 static const char XML_gb2312ByteTable[256] =
00497 {
00498 //  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00499     0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x00
00500     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x10
00501     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x20
00502     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x30
00503     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x40
00504     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x50
00505     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x60
00506     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x70
00507     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x80
00508     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x90
00509     1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xa0 0xa1 to 0xf7 2 bytes
00510     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xb0
00511     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xc0
00512     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xd0
00513     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xe0
00514     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 // 0xf0
00515 };
00516 static const char XML_gbk_big5_ByteTable[256] =
00517 {
00518     //  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00519     0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x00
00520     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x10
00521     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x20
00522     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x30
00523     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x40
00524     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x50
00525     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x60
00526     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,// 0x70
00527     1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0x80 0x81 to 0xfe 2 bytes
00528     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0x90
00529     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xa0
00530     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xb0
00531     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xc0
00532     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xd0
00533     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,// 0xe0
00534     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1 // 0xf0
00535 };
00536 static const char *XML_ByteTable=(const char *)XML_utf8ByteTable; // the default is "characterEncoding=XMLNode::encoding_UTF8"
00537 #endif
00540 XMLNode XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
00541 XMLClear XMLNode::emptyXMLClear={ NULL, NULL, NULL};
00542 XMLAttribute XMLNode::emptyXMLAttribute={ NULL, NULL};
00544 // Enumeration used to decipher what type a token is
00545 typedef enum XMLTokenTypeTag
00546 {
00547     eTokenText = 0,
00548     eTokenQuotedText,
00549     eTokenTagStart,         /* "<"            */
00550     eTokenTagEnd,           /* "</"           */
00551     eTokenCloseTag,         /* ">"            */
00552     eTokenEquals,           /* "="            */
00553     eTokenDeclaration,      /* "<?"           */
00554     eTokenShortHandClose,   /* "/>"           */
00555     eTokenClear,
00556     eTokenError
00557 } XMLTokenType;
00559 // Main structure used for parsing XML
00560 typedef struct XML
00561 {
00562     XMLCSTR                lpXML;
00563     XMLCSTR                lpszText;
00564     int                    nIndex,nIndexMissigEndTag;
00565     enum XMLError          error;
00566     XMLCSTR                lpEndTag;
00567     int                    cbEndTag;
00568     XMLCSTR                lpNewElement;
00569     int                    cbNewElement;
00570     int                    nFirst;
00571 } XML;
00573 typedef struct
00574 {
00575     ALLXMLClearTag *pClr;
00576     XMLCSTR     pStr;
00577 } NextToken;
00579 // Enumeration used when parsing attributes
00580 typedef enum Attrib
00581 {
00582     eAttribName = 0,
00583     eAttribEquals,
00584     eAttribValue
00585 } Attrib;
00587 // Enumeration used when parsing elements to dictate whether we are currently
00588 // inside a tag
00589 typedef enum XMLStatus
00590 {
00591     eInsideTag = 0,
00592     eOutsideTag
00593 } XMLStatus;
00595 XMLError XMLNode::writeToFile(XMLCSTR filename, const char *encoding, char nFormat) const
00596 {
00597     if (!d) return eXMLErrorNone;
00598     FILE *f=xfopen(filename,_CXML("wb"));
00599     if (!f) return eXMLErrorCannotOpenWriteFile;
00600 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00601     unsigned char h[2]={ 0xFF, 0xFE };
00602     if (!fwrite(h,2,1,f)) 
00603     {
00604         fclose(f);
00605         return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
00606     }
00607     if ((!isDeclaration())&&((d->lpszName)||(!getChildNode().isDeclaration())))
00608     {
00609         if (!fwrite(L"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>\n",sizeof(wchar_t)*40,1,f))
00610         {
00611                 fclose(f);
00612             return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
00613         }
00614     }
00615 #else
00616     if ((!isDeclaration())&&((d->lpszName)||(!getChildNode().isDeclaration())))
00617     {
00618         if (characterEncoding==char_encoding_UTF8)
00619         {
00620             // header so that windows recognize the file as UTF-8:
00621             unsigned char h[3]={0xEF,0xBB,0xBF}; 
00622             if (!fwrite(h,3,1,f)) 
00623             {
00624                 fclose(f);
00625                 return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
00626             }
00627             encoding="utf-8";
00628         } else if (characterEncoding==char_encoding_ShiftJIS) encoding="SHIFT-JIS";
00630         if (!encoding) encoding="ISO-8859-1";
00631         if (fprintf(f,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>\n",encoding)<0) 
00632         {
00633                 fclose(f);
00634             return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
00635         }
00636     } else
00637     {
00638         if (characterEncoding==char_encoding_UTF8)
00639         {
00640             unsigned char h[3]={0xEF,0xBB,0xBF}; 
00641             if (!fwrite(h,3,1,f)) 
00642             {
00643                 fclose(f);
00644                 return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
00645             }
00646         }
00647     }
00648 #endif
00649     int i;
00650     XMLSTR t=createXMLString(nFormat,&i);
00651     if (!fwrite(t,sizeof(XMLCHAR)*i,1,f)) 
00652     {
00653        free(t);
00654        fclose(f);
00655        return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
00656     }
00657     if (fclose(f)!=0) 
00658     {
00659             free(t);
00660         return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
00661     }
00662     free(t);
00663     return eXMLErrorNone;
00664 }
00666 // Duplicate a given string.
00667 XMLSTR stringDup(XMLCSTR lpszData, int cbData)
00668 {
00669     if (lpszData==NULL) return NULL;
00671     XMLSTR lpszNew;
00672     if (cbData==-1) cbData=(int)xstrlen(lpszData);
00673     lpszNew = (XMLSTR)malloc((cbData+1) * sizeof(XMLCHAR));
00674     if (lpszNew)
00675     {
00676         memcpy(lpszNew, lpszData, (cbData) * sizeof(XMLCHAR));
00677         lpszNew[cbData] = (XMLCHAR)NULL;
00678     }
00679     return lpszNew;
00680 }
00682 XMLSTR ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(XMLSTR dest,XMLCSTR source)
00683 {
00684     XMLSTR dd=dest;
00685     XMLCHAR ch;
00686     XMLCharacterEntity *entity;
00687     while ((ch=*source))
00688     {
00689         entity=XMLEntities;
00690         do
00691         {
00692             if (ch==entity->c) {xstrcpy(dest,entity->s); dest+=entity->l; source++; goto out_of_loop1; }
00693             entity++;
00694         } while(entity->s);
00695 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00696         *(dest++)=*(source++);
00697 #else
00698         switch(XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch])
00699         {
00700         case 4: *(dest++)=*(source++);
00701         case 3: *(dest++)=*(source++);
00702         case 2: *(dest++)=*(source++);
00703         case 1: *(dest++)=*(source++);
00704         }
00705 #endif
00706 out_of_loop1:
00707         ;
00708     }
00709     *dest=0;
00710     return dd;
00711 }
00713 // private (used while rendering):
00714 int ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(XMLCSTR source)
00715 {
00716     int r=0;
00717     XMLCharacterEntity *entity;
00718     XMLCHAR ch;
00719     while ((ch=*source))
00720     {
00721         entity=XMLEntities;
00722         do
00723         {
00724             if (ch==entity->c) { r+=entity->l; source++; goto out_of_loop1; }
00725             entity++;
00726         } while(entity->s);
00727 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00728         r++; source++;
00729 #else
00730         ch=XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch]; r+=ch; source+=ch;
00731 #endif
00732 out_of_loop1:
00733         ;
00734     }
00735     return r;
00736 }
00738 ToXMLStringTool::~ToXMLStringTool(){ freeBuffer(); }
00739 void ToXMLStringTool::freeBuffer(){ if (buf) free(buf); buf=NULL; buflen=0; }
00740 XMLSTR ToXMLStringTool::toXML(XMLCSTR source)
00741 {
00742     if (!source)
00743     {
00744                 if (buflen<1) { buflen=1; buf=(XMLSTR)malloc(sizeof(XMLCHAR)); }
00745                 *buf=0;
00746                 return buf;
00747         }
00748     int l=lengthXMLString(source)+1;
00749     if (l>buflen) { freeBuffer(); buflen=l; buf=(XMLSTR)malloc(l*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); }
00750     return toXMLUnSafe(buf,source);
00751 }
00753 // private:
00754 XMLSTR fromXMLString(XMLCSTR s, int lo, XML *pXML)
00755 {
00756     // This function is the opposite of the function "toXMLString". It decodes the escape
00757     // sequences &amp;, &quot;, &apos;, &lt;, &gt; and replace them by the characters
00758     // &,",',<,>. This function is used internally by the XML Parser. All the calls to
00759     // the XML library will always gives you back "decoded" strings.
00760     //
00761     // in: string (s) and length (lo) of string
00762     // out:  new allocated string converted from xml
00763     if (!s) return NULL;
00765     int ll=0,j;
00766     XMLSTR d;
00767     XMLCSTR ss=s;
00768     XMLCharacterEntity *entity;
00769     while ((lo>0)&&(*s))
00770     {
00771         if (*s==_CXML('&'))
00772         {
00773             if ((lo>2)&&(s[1]==_CXML('#')))
00774             {
00775                 s+=2; lo-=2;
00776                 if ((*s==_CXML('X'))||(*s==_CXML('x'))) { s++; lo--; }
00777                 while ((*s)&&(*s!=_CXML(';'))&&((lo--)>0)) s++;
00778                 if (*s!=_CXML(';'))
00779                 {
00780                     pXML->error=eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;
00781                     return NULL;
00782                 }
00783                 s++; lo--;
00784             } else
00785             {
00786                 entity=XMLEntities;
00787                 do
00788                 {
00789                     if ((lo>=entity->l)&&(xstrnicmp(s,entity->s,entity->l)==0)) { s+=entity->l; lo-=entity->l; break; }
00790                     entity++;
00791                 } while(entity->s);
00792                 if (!entity->s)
00793                 {
00794                     pXML->error=eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;
00795                     return NULL;
00796                 }
00797             }
00798         } else
00799         {
00800 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00801             s++; lo--;
00802 #else
00803             j=XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)*s]; s+=j; lo-=j; ll+=j-1;
00804 #endif
00805         }
00806         ll++;
00807     }
00809     d=(XMLSTR)malloc((ll+1)*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
00810     s=d;
00811     while (ll-->0)
00812     {
00813         if (*ss==_CXML('&'))
00814         {
00815             if (ss[1]==_CXML('#'))
00816             {
00817                 ss+=2; j=0;
00818                 if ((*ss==_CXML('X'))||(*ss==_CXML('x')))
00819                 {
00820                     ss++;
00821                     while (*ss!=_CXML(';'))
00822                     {
00823                         if ((*ss>=_CXML('0'))&&(*ss<=_CXML('9'))) j=(j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('0');
00824                         else if ((*ss>=_CXML('A'))&&(*ss<=_CXML('F'))) j=(j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('A')+10;
00825                         else if ((*ss>=_CXML('a'))&&(*ss<=_CXML('f'))) j=(j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('a')+10;
00826                         else { free((void*)s); pXML->error=eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;return NULL;}
00827                         ss++;
00828                     }
00829                 } else
00830                 {
00831                     while (*ss!=_CXML(';'))
00832                     {
00833                         if ((*ss>=_CXML('0'))&&(*ss<=_CXML('9'))) j=(j*10)+*ss-_CXML('0');
00834                         else { free((void*)s); pXML->error=eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;return NULL;}
00835                         ss++;
00836                     }
00837                 }
00838 #ifndef _XMLWIDECHAR
00839                 if (j>255) { free((void*)s); pXML->error=eXMLErrorCharacterCodeAbove255;return NULL;}
00840 #endif
00841                 (*d++)=(XMLCHAR)j; ss++;
00842             } else
00843             {
00844                 entity=XMLEntities;
00845                 do
00846                 {
00847                     if (xstrnicmp(ss,entity->s,entity->l)==0) { *(d++)=entity->c; ss+=entity->l; break; }
00848                     entity++;
00849                 } while(entity->s);
00850             }
00851         } else
00852         {
00853 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00854             *(d++)=*(ss++);
00855 #else
00856             switch(XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)*ss])
00857             {
00858             case 4: *(d++)=*(ss++); ll--;
00859             case 3: *(d++)=*(ss++); ll--;
00860             case 2: *(d++)=*(ss++); ll--;
00861             case 1: *(d++)=*(ss++);
00862             }
00863 #endif
00864         }
00865     }
00866     *d=0;
00867     return (XMLSTR)s;
00868 }
00870 #define XML_isSPACECHAR(ch) ((ch==_CXML('\n'))||(ch==_CXML(' '))||(ch== _CXML('\t'))||(ch==_CXML('\r')))
00872 // private:
00873 char myTagCompare(XMLCSTR cclose, XMLCSTR copen)
00874 // !!!! WARNING strange convention&:
00875 // return 0 if equals
00876 // return 1 if different
00877 {
00878     if (!cclose) return 1;
00879     int l=(int)xstrlen(cclose);
00880     if (xstrnicmp(cclose, copen, l)!=0) return 1;
00881     const XMLCHAR c=copen[l];
00882     if (XML_isSPACECHAR(c)||
00883         (c==_CXML('/' ))||
00884         (c==_CXML('<' ))||
00885         (c==_CXML('>' ))||
00886         (c==_CXML('=' ))) return 0;
00887     return 1;
00888 }
00890 // Obtain the next character from the string.
00891 static inline XMLCHAR getNextChar(XML *pXML)
00892 {
00893     XMLCHAR ch = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
00894 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
00895     if (ch!=0) pXML->nIndex++;
00896 #else
00897     pXML->nIndex+=XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch];
00898 #endif
00899     return ch;
00900 }
00902 // Find the next token in a string.
00903 // pcbToken contains the number of characters that have been read.
00904 static NextToken GetNextToken(XML *pXML, int *pcbToken, enum XMLTokenTypeTag *pType)
00905 {
00906     NextToken        result;
00907     XMLCHAR            ch;
00908     XMLCHAR            chTemp;
00909     int              indexStart,nFoundMatch,nIsText=FALSE;
00910     result.pClr=NULL; // prevent warning
00912     // Find next non-white space character
00913     do { indexStart=pXML->nIndex; ch=getNextChar(pXML); } while XML_isSPACECHAR(ch);
00915     if (ch)
00916     {
00917         // Cache the current string pointer
00918         result.pStr = &pXML->lpXML[indexStart];
00920         // check for standard tokens
00921         switch(ch)
00922         {
00923         // Check for quotes
00924         case _CXML('\''):
00925         case _CXML('\"'):
00926             // Type of token
00927             *pType = eTokenQuotedText;
00928             chTemp = ch;
00930             // Set the size
00931             nFoundMatch = FALSE;
00933             // Search through the string to find a matching quote
00934             while((ch = getNextChar(pXML)))
00935             {
00936                 if (ch==chTemp) { nFoundMatch = TRUE; break; }
00937                 if (ch==_CXML('<')) break;
00938             }
00940             // If we failed to find a matching quote
00941             if (nFoundMatch == FALSE)
00942             {
00943                 pXML->nIndex=indexStart+1;
00944                 nIsText=TRUE;
00945                 break;
00946             }
00948 //  4.02.2002
00949 //            if (FindNonWhiteSpace(pXML)) pXML->nIndex--;
00951             break;
00953         // Equals (used with attribute values)
00954         case _CXML('='):
00955             *pType = eTokenEquals;
00956             break;
00958         // Close tag
00959         case _CXML('>'):
00960             *pType = eTokenCloseTag;
00961             break;
00963         // Check for tag start and tag end
00964         case _CXML('<'):
00966                         {
00967                                 // First check whether the token is in the clear tag list (meaning it
00968                                 // does not need formatting).
00969                                 ALLXMLClearTag *ctag=XMLClearTags;
00970                                 do
00971                                 {
00972                                    if (!xstrncmp(ctag->lpszOpen, result.pStr, ctag->openTagLen))
00973                                    {
00974                                                 result.pClr=ctag;
00975                                                 pXML->nIndex+=ctag->openTagLen-1;
00976                                                 *pType=eTokenClear;
00977                                                 return result;
00978                                         }
00979                                         ctag++;
00980                                 } while(ctag->lpszOpen);
00982                                 // Peek at the next character to see if we have an end tag '</',
00983                                 // or an xml declaration '<?'
00984                                 chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
00986                                 // If we have a tag end...
00987                                 if (chTemp == _CXML('/'))
00988                                 {
00989                                         // Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
00990                                         getNextChar(pXML);
00991                                         *pType = eTokenTagEnd;
00992                                 }
00994                                 // If we have an XML declaration tag
00995                                 else if (chTemp == _CXML('?'))
00996                                 {
00998                                         // Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
00999                                         getNextChar(pXML);
01000                                         *pType = eTokenDeclaration;
01001                                 }
01003                                 // Otherwise we must have a start tag
01004                                 else
01005                                 {
01006                                         *pType = eTokenTagStart;
01007                                 }
01008                                 break;
01009                         }
01011         // Check to see if we have a short hand type end tag ('/>').
01012         case _CXML('/'):
01014             // Peek at the next character to see if we have a short end tag '/>'
01015             chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
01017             // If we have a short hand end tag...
01018             if (chTemp == _CXML('>'))
01019             {
01020                 // Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
01021                 getNextChar(pXML);
01022                 *pType = eTokenShortHandClose;
01023                 break;
01024             }
01026             // If we haven't found a short hand closing tag then drop into the
01027             // text process
01029         // Other characters
01030         default:
01031             nIsText = TRUE;
01032         }
01034         // If this is a TEXT node
01035         if (nIsText)
01036         {
01037             // Indicate we are dealing with text
01038             *pType = eTokenText;
01039             while((ch = getNextChar(pXML)))
01040             {
01041                 if XML_isSPACECHAR(ch)
01042                 {
01043                     indexStart++; break;
01045                 } else if (ch==_CXML('/'))
01046                 {
01047                     // If we find a slash then this maybe text or a short hand end tag
01048                     // Peek at the next character to see it we have short hand end tag
01049                     ch=pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
01050                     // If we found a short hand end tag then we need to exit the loop
01051                     if (ch==_CXML('>')) { pXML->nIndex--; break; }
01053                 } else if ((ch==_CXML('<'))||(ch==_CXML('>'))||(ch==_CXML('=')))
01054                 {
01055                     pXML->nIndex--; break;
01056                 }
01057             }
01058         }
01059         *pcbToken = pXML->nIndex-indexStart;
01060     } else
01061     {
01062         // If we failed to obtain a valid character
01063         *pcbToken = 0;
01064         *pType = eTokenError;
01065         result.pStr=NULL;
01066     }
01068     return result;
01069 }
01071 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateName_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName)
01072 {
01073     if (!d) { free(lpszName); return NULL; }
01074     if (d->lpszName&&(lpszName!=d->lpszName)) free((void*)d->lpszName);
01075     d->lpszName=lpszName;
01076     return lpszName;
01077 }
01079 // private:
01080 XMLNode::XMLNode(struct XMLNodeDataTag *p){ d=p; (p->ref_count)++; }
01081 XMLNode::XMLNode(XMLNodeData *pParent, XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration)
01082 {
01083     d=(XMLNodeData*)malloc(sizeof(XMLNodeData));
01084     d->ref_count=1;
01086     d->lpszName=NULL;
01087     d->nChild= 0;
01088     d->nText = 0;
01089     d->nClear = 0;
01090     d->nAttribute = 0;
01092     d->isDeclaration = isDeclaration;
01094     d->pParent = pParent;
01095     d->pChild= NULL;
01096     d->pText= NULL;
01097     d->pClear= NULL;
01098     d->pAttribute= NULL;
01099     d->pOrder= NULL;
01101     updateName_WOSD(lpszName);
01102 }
01104 XMLNode XMLNode::createXMLTopNode_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) { return XMLNode(NULL,lpszName,isDeclaration); }
01105 XMLNode XMLNode::createXMLTopNode(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) { return XMLNode(NULL,stringDup(lpszName),isDeclaration); }
01107 #define MEMORYINCREASE 50
01109 static inline void myFree(void *p) { if (p) free(p); }
01110 static inline void *myRealloc(void *p, int newsize, int memInc, int sizeofElem)
01111 {
01112     if (p==NULL) { if (memInc) return malloc(memInc*sizeofElem); return malloc(sizeofElem); }
01113     if ((memInc==0)||((newsize%memInc)==0)) p=realloc(p,(newsize+memInc)*sizeofElem);
01114 //    if (!p)
01115 //    {
01116 //        printf("XMLParser Error: Not enough memory! Aborting...\n"); exit(220);
01117 //    }
01118     return p;
01119 }
01121 // private:
01122 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::findPosition(XMLNodeData *d, int index, XMLElementType xxtype)
01123 {
01124     if (index<0) return -1;
01125     int i=0,j=(int)((index<<2)+xxtype),*o=d->pOrder; while (o[i]!=j) i++; return i;
01126 }
01128 // private:
01129 // update "order" information when deleting a content of a XMLNode
01130 int XMLNode::removeOrderElement(XMLNodeData *d, XMLElementType t, int index)
01131 {
01132     int n=d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear, *o=d->pOrder,i=findPosition(d,index,t);
01133     memmove(o+i, o+i+1, (n-i)*sizeof(int));
01134     for (;i<n;i++)
01135         if ((o[i]&3)==(int)t) o[i]-=4;
01136     // We should normally do:
01137     // d->pOrder=(int)realloc(d->pOrder,n*sizeof(int));
01138     // but we skip reallocation because it's too time consuming.
01139     // Anyway, at the end, it will be free'd completely at once.
01140     return i;
01141 }
01143 void *XMLNode::addToOrder(int memoryIncrease,int *_pos, int nc, void *p, int size, XMLElementType xtype)
01144 {
01145     //  in: *_pos is the position inside d->pOrder ("-1" means "EndOf")
01146     // out: *_pos is the index inside p
01147     p=myRealloc(p,(nc+1),memoryIncrease,size);
01148     int n=d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear;
01149     d->pOrder=(int*)myRealloc(d->pOrder,n+1,memoryIncrease*3,sizeof(int));
01150     int pos=*_pos,*o=d->pOrder;
01152     if ((pos<0)||(pos>=n)) { *_pos=nc; o[n]=(int)((nc<<2)+xtype); return p; }
01154     int i=pos;
01155     memmove(o+i+1, o+i, (n-i)*sizeof(int));
01157     while ((pos<n)&&((o[pos]&3)!=(int)xtype)) pos++;
01158     if (pos==n) { *_pos=nc; o[n]=(int)((nc<<2)+xtype); return p; }
01160     o[i]=o[pos];
01161     for (i=pos+1;i<=n;i++) if ((o[i]&3)==(int)xtype) o[i]+=4;
01163     *_pos=pos=o[pos]>>2;
01164     memmove(((char*)p)+(pos+1)*size,((char*)p)+pos*size,(nc-pos)*size);
01166     return p;
01167 }
01169 // Add a child node to the given element.
01170 XMLNode XMLNode::addChild_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, int pos)
01171 {
01172     if (!lpszName) return emptyXMLNode;
01173     d->pChild=(XMLNode*)addToOrder(memoryIncrease,&pos,d->nChild,d->pChild,sizeof(XMLNode),eNodeChild);
01174     d->pChild[pos].d=NULL;
01175     d->pChild[pos]=XMLNode(d,lpszName,isDeclaration);
01176     d->nChild++;
01177     return d->pChild[pos];
01178 }
01180 // Add an attribute to an element.
01181 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute_priv(int memoryIncrease,XMLSTR lpszName, XMLSTR lpszValuev)
01182 {
01183     if (!lpszName) return &emptyXMLAttribute;
01184     if (!d) { myFree(lpszName); myFree(lpszValuev); return &emptyXMLAttribute; }
01185     int nc=d->nAttribute;
01186     d->pAttribute=(XMLAttribute*)myRealloc(d->pAttribute,(nc+1),memoryIncrease,sizeof(XMLAttribute));
01187     XMLAttribute *pAttr=d->pAttribute+nc;
01188     pAttr->lpszName = lpszName;
01189     pAttr->lpszValue = lpszValuev;
01190     d->nAttribute++;
01191     return pAttr;
01192 }
01194 // Add text to the element.
01195 XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszValue, int pos)
01196 {
01197     if (!lpszValue) return NULL;
01198     if (!d) { myFree(lpszValue); return NULL; }
01199     d->pText=(XMLCSTR*)addToOrder(memoryIncrease,&pos,d->nText,d->pText,sizeof(XMLSTR),eNodeText);
01200     d->pText[pos]=lpszValue;
01201     d->nText++;
01202     return lpszValue;
01203 }
01205 // Add clear (unformatted) text to the element.
01206 XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, int pos)
01207 {
01208     if (!lpszValue) return &emptyXMLClear;
01209     if (!d) { myFree(lpszValue); return &emptyXMLClear; }
01210     d->pClear=(XMLClear *)addToOrder(memoryIncrease,&pos,d->nClear,d->pClear,sizeof(XMLClear),eNodeClear);
01211     XMLClear *pNewClear=d->pClear+pos;
01212     pNewClear->lpszValue = lpszValue;
01213     if (!lpszOpen) lpszOpen=XMLClearTags->lpszOpen;
01214     if (!lpszClose) lpszClose=XMLClearTags->lpszClose;
01215     pNewClear->lpszOpenTag = lpszOpen;
01216     pNewClear->lpszCloseTag = lpszClose;
01217     d->nClear++;
01218     return pNewClear;
01219 }
01221 // private:
01222 // Parse a clear (unformatted) type node.
01223 char XMLNode::parseClearTag(void *px, void *_pClear)
01224 {
01225     XML *pXML=(XML *)px;
01226     ALLXMLClearTag pClear=*((ALLXMLClearTag*)_pClear);
01227     int cbTemp=0;
01228     XMLCSTR lpszTemp=NULL;
01229     XMLCSTR lpXML=&pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
01230     static XMLCSTR docTypeEnd=_CXML("]>");
01232     // Find the closing tag
01233     // Seems the <!DOCTYPE need a better treatment so lets handle it
01234     if (pClear.lpszOpen==XMLClearTags[1].lpszOpen)
01235     {
01236         XMLCSTR pCh=lpXML;
01237         while (*pCh)
01238         {
01239             if (*pCh==_CXML('<')) { pClear.lpszClose=docTypeEnd; lpszTemp=xstrstr(lpXML,docTypeEnd); break; }
01240             else if (*pCh==_CXML('>')) { lpszTemp=pCh; break; }
01241 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
01242             pCh++;
01243 #else
01244             pCh+=XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)(*pCh)];
01245 #endif
01246         }
01247     } else lpszTemp=xstrstr(lpXML, pClear.lpszClose);
01249     if (lpszTemp)
01250     {
01251         // Cache the size and increment the index
01252         cbTemp = (int)(lpszTemp - lpXML);
01254         pXML->nIndex += cbTemp+(int)xstrlen(pClear.lpszClose);
01256         // Add the clear node to the current element
01257         addClear_priv(MEMORYINCREASE,stringDup(lpXML,cbTemp), pClear.lpszOpen, pClear.lpszClose,-1);
01258         return 0;
01259     }
01261     // If we failed to find the end tag
01262     pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndClearTag;
01263     return 1;
01264 }
01266 void XMLNode::exactMemory(XMLNodeData *d)
01267 {
01268     if (d->pOrder)     d->pOrder=(int*)realloc(d->pOrder,(d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear)*sizeof(int));
01269     if (d->pChild)     d->pChild=(XMLNode*)realloc(d->pChild,d->nChild*sizeof(XMLNode));
01270     if (d->pAttribute) d->pAttribute=(XMLAttribute*)realloc(d->pAttribute,d->nAttribute*sizeof(XMLAttribute));
01271     if (d->pText)      d->pText=(XMLCSTR*)realloc(d->pText,d->nText*sizeof(XMLSTR));
01272     if (d->pClear)     d->pClear=(XMLClear *)realloc(d->pClear,d->nClear*sizeof(XMLClear));
01273 }
01275 char XMLNode::maybeAddTxT(void *pa, XMLCSTR tokenPStr)
01276 {
01277     XML *pXML=(XML *)pa;
01278     XMLCSTR lpszText=pXML->lpszText;
01279     if (!lpszText) return 0;
01280     if (dropWhiteSpace) while (XML_isSPACECHAR(*lpszText)&&(lpszText!=tokenPStr)) lpszText++;
01281     int cbText = (int)(tokenPStr - lpszText);
01282     if (!cbText) { pXML->lpszText=NULL; return 0; }
01283     if (dropWhiteSpace) { cbText--; while ((cbText)&&XML_isSPACECHAR(lpszText[cbText])) cbText--; cbText++; }
01284     if (!cbText) { pXML->lpszText=NULL; return 0; }
01285     XMLSTR lpt=fromXMLString(lpszText,cbText,pXML);
01286     if (!lpt) return 1;
01287     pXML->lpszText=NULL;
01288     if (removeCommentsInMiddleOfText && d->nText && d->nClear)
01289     {
01290         // if the previous insertion was a comment (<!-- -->) AND
01291         // if the previous previous insertion was a text then, delete the comment and append the text
01292         int n=d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear-1,*o=d->pOrder;
01293         if (((o[n]&3)==eNodeClear)&&((o[n-1]&3)==eNodeText))
01294         {
01295             int i=o[n]>>2;
01296             if (d->pClear[i].lpszOpenTag==XMLClearTags[2].lpszOpen)
01297             {
01298                 deleteClear(i);
01299                 i=o[n-1]>>2;
01300                 n=xstrlen(d->pText[i]);
01301                 int n2=xstrlen(lpt)+1;
01302                 d->pText[i]=(XMLSTR)realloc((void*)d->pText[i],(n+n2)*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
01303                 if (!d->pText[i]) return 1;
01304                 memcpy((void*)(d->pText[i]+n),lpt,n2*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
01305                 free(lpt);
01306                 return 0;
01307             }
01308         }
01309     }
01310     addText_priv(MEMORYINCREASE,lpt,-1);
01311     return 0;
01312 }
01313 // private:
01314 // Recursively parse an XML element.
01315 int XMLNode::ParseXMLElement(void *pa)
01316 {
01317     XML *pXML=(XML *)pa;
01318     int cbToken;
01319     enum XMLTokenTypeTag xtype;
01320     NextToken token;
01321     XMLCSTR lpszTemp=NULL;
01322     int cbTemp=0;
01323     char nDeclaration;
01324     XMLNode pNew;
01325     enum XMLStatus status; // inside or outside a tag
01326     enum Attrib attrib = eAttribName;
01328     assert(pXML);
01330     // If this is the first call to the function
01331     if (pXML->nFirst)
01332     {
01333         // Assume we are outside of a tag definition
01334         pXML->nFirst = FALSE;
01335         status = eOutsideTag;
01336     } else
01337     {
01338         // If this is not the first call then we should only be called when inside a tag.
01339         status = eInsideTag;
01340     }
01342     // Iterate through the tokens in the document
01343     for(;;)
01344     {
01345         // Obtain the next token
01346         token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype);
01348         if (xtype != eTokenError)
01349         {
01350             // Check the current status
01351             switch(status)
01352             {
01354             // If we are outside of a tag definition
01355             case eOutsideTag:
01357                 // Check what type of token we obtained
01358                 switch(xtype)
01359                 {
01360                 // If we have found text or quoted text
01361                 case eTokenText:
01362                 case eTokenCloseTag:          /* '>'         */
01363                 case eTokenShortHandClose:    /* '/>'        */
01364                 case eTokenQuotedText:
01365                 case eTokenEquals:
01366                     break;
01368                 // If we found a start tag '<' and declarations '<?'
01369                 case eTokenTagStart:
01370                 case eTokenDeclaration:
01372                     // Cache whether this new element is a declaration or not
01373                     nDeclaration = (xtype == eTokenDeclaration);
01375                     // If we have node text then add this to the element
01376                     if (maybeAddTxT(pXML,token.pStr)) return FALSE;
01378                     // Find the name of the tag
01379                     token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype);
01381                     // Return an error if we couldn't obtain the next token or
01382                     // it wasnt text
01383                     if (xtype != eTokenText)
01384                     {
01385                         pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingTagName;
01386                         return FALSE;
01387                     }
01389                     // If we found a new element which is the same as this
01390                     // element then we need to pass this back to the caller..
01393                     if (d->lpszName &&
01394                         myTagCompare(d->lpszName, token.pStr) == 0)
01395                     {
01396                         // Indicate to the caller that it needs to create a
01397                         // new element.
01398                         pXML->lpNewElement = token.pStr;
01399                         pXML->cbNewElement = cbToken;
01400                         return TRUE;
01401                     } else
01402 #endif
01403                     {
01404                         // If the name of the new element differs from the name of
01405                         // the current element we need to add the new element to
01406                         // the current one and recurse
01407                         pNew = addChild_priv(MEMORYINCREASE,stringDup(token.pStr,cbToken), nDeclaration,-1);
01409                         while (!pNew.isEmpty())
01410                         {
01411                             // Callself to process the new node.  If we return
01412                             // FALSE this means we dont have any more
01413                             // processing to do...
01415                             if (!pNew.ParseXMLElement(pXML)) return FALSE;
01416                             else
01417                             {
01418                                 // If the call to recurse this function
01419                                 // evented in a end tag specified in XML then
01420                                 // we need to unwind the calls to this
01421                                 // function until we find the appropriate node
01422                                 // (the element name and end tag name must
01423                                 // match)
01424                                 if (pXML->cbEndTag)
01425                                 {
01426                                     // If we are back at the root node then we
01427                                     // have an unmatched end tag
01428                                     if (!d->lpszName)
01429                                     {
01430                                         pXML->error=eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag;
01431                                         return FALSE;
01432                                     }
01434                                     // If the end tag matches the name of this
01435                                     // element then we only need to unwind
01436                                     // once more...
01438                                     if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, pXML->lpEndTag)==0)
01439                                     {
01440                                         pXML->cbEndTag = 0;
01441                                     }
01443                                     return TRUE;
01444                                 } else
01445                                     if (pXML->cbNewElement)
01446                                     {
01447                                         // If the call indicated a new element is to
01448                                         // be created on THIS element.
01450                                         // If the name of this element matches the
01451                                         // name of the element we need to create
01452                                         // then we need to return to the caller
01453                                         // and let it process the element.
01455                                         if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, pXML->lpNewElement)==0)
01456                                         {
01457                                             return TRUE;
01458                                         }
01460                                         // Add the new element and recurse
01461                                         pNew = addChild_priv(MEMORYINCREASE,stringDup(pXML->lpNewElement,pXML->cbNewElement),0,-1);
01462                                         pXML->cbNewElement = 0;
01463                                     }
01464                                     else
01465                                     {
01466                                         // If we didn't have a new element to create
01467                                         pNew = emptyXMLNode;
01469                                     }
01470                             }
01471                         }
01472                     }
01473                     break;
01475                 // If we found an end tag
01476                 case eTokenTagEnd:
01478                     // If we have node text then add this to the element
01479                     if (maybeAddTxT(pXML,token.pStr)) return FALSE;
01481                     // Find the name of the end tag
01482                     token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbTemp, &xtype);
01484                     // The end tag should be text
01485                     if (xtype != eTokenText)
01486                     {
01487                         pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName;
01488                         return FALSE;
01489                     }
01490                     lpszTemp = token.pStr;
01492                     // After the end tag we should find a closing tag
01493                     token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype);
01494                     if (xtype != eTokenCloseTag)
01495                     {
01496                         pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName;
01497                         return FALSE;
01498                     }
01499                     pXML->lpszText=pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
01501                     // We need to return to the previous caller.  If the name
01502                     // of the tag cannot be found we need to keep returning to
01503                     // caller until we find a match
01504                     if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, lpszTemp) != 0)
01505 #ifdef STRICT_PARSING
01506                     {
01507                         pXML->error=eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag;
01508                         pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag=pXML->nIndex;
01509                         return FALSE;
01510                     }
01511 #else
01512                     {
01513                         pXML->error=eXMLErrorMissingEndTag;
01514                         pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag=pXML->nIndex;
01515                         pXML->lpEndTag = lpszTemp;
01516                         pXML->cbEndTag = cbTemp;
01517                     }
01518 #endif
01520                     // Return to the caller
01521                     exactMemory(d);
01522                     return TRUE;
01524                 // If we found a clear (unformatted) token
01525                 case eTokenClear:
01526                     // If we have node text then add this to the element
01527                     if (maybeAddTxT(pXML,token.pStr)) return FALSE;
01528                     if (parseClearTag(pXML, token.pClr)) return FALSE;
01529                     pXML->lpszText=pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
01530                     break;
01532                 default:
01533                     break;
01534                 }
01535                 break;
01537             // If we are inside a tag definition we need to search for attributes
01538             case eInsideTag:
01540                 // Check what part of the attribute (name, equals, value) we
01541                 // are looking for.
01542                 switch(attrib)
01543                 {
01544                 // If we are looking for a new attribute
01545                 case eAttribName:
01547                     // Check what the current token type is
01548                     switch(xtype)
01549                     {
01550                     // If the current type is text...
01551                     // Eg.  'attribute'
01552                     case eTokenText:
01553                         // Cache the token then indicate that we are next to
01554                         // look for the equals
01555                         lpszTemp = token.pStr;
01556                         cbTemp = cbToken;
01557                         attrib = eAttribEquals;
01558                         break;
01560                     // If we found a closing tag...
01561                     // Eg.  '>'
01562                     case eTokenCloseTag:
01563                         // We are now outside the tag
01564                         status = eOutsideTag;
01565                         pXML->lpszText=pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
01566                         break;
01568                     // If we found a short hand '/>' closing tag then we can
01569                     // return to the caller
01570                     case eTokenShortHandClose:
01571                         exactMemory(d);
01572                         pXML->lpszText=pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
01573                         return TRUE;
01575                     // Errors...
01576                     case eTokenQuotedText:    /* '"SomeText"'   */
01577                     case eTokenTagStart:      /* '<'            */
01578                     case eTokenTagEnd:        /* '</'           */
01579                     case eTokenEquals:        /* '='            */
01580                     case eTokenDeclaration:   /* '<?'           */
01581                     case eTokenClear:
01582                         pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
01583                         return FALSE;
01584                     default: break;
01585                     }
01586                     break;
01588                 // If we are looking for an equals
01589                 case eAttribEquals:
01590                     // Check what the current token type is
01591                     switch(xtype)
01592                     {
01593                     // If the current type is text...
01594                     // Eg.  'Attribute AnotherAttribute'
01595                     case eTokenText:
01596                         // Add the unvalued attribute to the list
01597                         addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE,stringDup(lpszTemp,cbTemp), NULL);
01598                         // Cache the token then indicate.  We are next to
01599                         // look for the equals attribute
01600                         lpszTemp = token.pStr;
01601                         cbTemp = cbToken;
01602                         break;
01604                     // If we found a closing tag 'Attribute >' or a short hand
01605                     // closing tag 'Attribute />'
01606                     case eTokenShortHandClose:
01607                     case eTokenCloseTag:
01608                         // If we are a declaration element '<?' then we need
01609                         // to remove extra closing '?' if it exists
01610                         pXML->lpszText=pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
01612                         if (d->isDeclaration &&
01613                             (lpszTemp[cbTemp-1]) == _CXML('?'))
01614                         {
01615                             cbTemp--;
01616                             if (d->pParent && d->pParent->pParent) xtype = eTokenShortHandClose;
01617                         }
01619                         if (cbTemp)
01620                         {
01621                             // Add the unvalued attribute to the list
01622                             addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE,stringDup(lpszTemp,cbTemp), NULL);
01623                         }
01625                         // If this is the end of the tag then return to the caller
01626                         if (xtype == eTokenShortHandClose)
01627                         {
01628                             exactMemory(d);
01629                             return TRUE;
01630                         }
01632                         // We are now outside the tag
01633                         status = eOutsideTag;
01634                         break;
01636                     // If we found the equals token...
01637                     // Eg.  'Attribute ='
01638                     case eTokenEquals:
01639                         // Indicate that we next need to search for the value
01640                         // for the attribute
01641                         attrib = eAttribValue;
01642                         break;
01644                     // Errors...
01645                     case eTokenQuotedText:    /* 'Attribute "InvalidAttr"'*/
01646                     case eTokenTagStart:      /* 'Attribute <'            */
01647                     case eTokenTagEnd:        /* 'Attribute </'           */
01648                     case eTokenDeclaration:   /* 'Attribute <?'           */
01649                     case eTokenClear:
01650                         pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
01651                         return FALSE;
01652                     default: break;
01653                     }
01654                     break;
01656                 // If we are looking for an attribute value
01657                 case eAttribValue:
01658                     // Check what the current token type is
01659                     switch(xtype)
01660                     {
01661                     // If the current type is text or quoted text...
01662                     // Eg.  'Attribute = "Value"' or 'Attribute = Value' or
01663                     // 'Attribute = 'Value''.
01664                     case eTokenText:
01665                     case eTokenQuotedText:
01666                         // If we are a declaration element '<?' then we need
01667                         // to remove extra closing '?' if it exists
01668                         if (d->isDeclaration &&
01669                             (token.pStr[cbToken-1]) == _CXML('?'))
01670                         {
01671                             cbToken--;
01672                         }
01674                         if (cbTemp)
01675                         {
01676                             // Add the valued attribute to the list
01677                             if (xtype==eTokenQuotedText) { token.pStr++; cbToken-=2; }
01678                             XMLSTR attrVal=(XMLSTR)token.pStr;
01679                             if (attrVal)
01680                             {
01681                                 attrVal=fromXMLString(attrVal,cbToken,pXML);
01682                                 if (!attrVal) return FALSE;
01683                             }
01684                             addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE,stringDup(lpszTemp,cbTemp),attrVal);
01685                         }
01687                         // Indicate we are searching for a new attribute
01688                         attrib = eAttribName;
01689                         break;
01691                     // Errors...
01692                     case eTokenTagStart:        /* 'Attr = <'          */
01693                     case eTokenTagEnd:          /* 'Attr = </'         */
01694                     case eTokenCloseTag:        /* 'Attr = >'          */
01695                     case eTokenShortHandClose:  /* "Attr = />"         */
01696                     case eTokenEquals:          /* 'Attr = ='          */
01697                     case eTokenDeclaration:     /* 'Attr = <?'         */
01698                     case eTokenClear:
01699                         pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
01700                         return FALSE;
01701                         break;
01702                     default: break;
01703                     }
01704                 }
01705             }
01706         }
01707         // If we failed to obtain the next token
01708         else
01709         {
01710             if ((!d->isDeclaration)&&(d->pParent))
01711             {
01712 #ifdef STRICT_PARSING
01713                 pXML->error=eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag;
01714 #else
01715                 pXML->error=eXMLErrorMissingEndTag;
01716 #endif
01717                 pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag=pXML->nIndex;
01718             }
01719             maybeAddTxT(pXML,pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex);
01720             return FALSE;
01721         }
01722     }
01723 }
01725 // Count the number of lines and columns in an XML string.
01726 static void CountLinesAndColumns(XMLCSTR lpXML, int nUpto, XMLResults *pResults)
01727 {
01728     XMLCHAR ch;
01729     assert(lpXML);
01730     assert(pResults);
01732     struct XML xml={ lpXML,lpXML, 0, 0, eXMLErrorNone, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, TRUE };
01734     pResults->nLine = 1;
01735     pResults->nColumn = 1;
01736     while (xml.nIndex<nUpto)
01737     {
01738         ch = getNextChar(&xml);
01739         if (ch != _CXML('\n')) pResults->nColumn++;
01740         else
01741         {
01742             pResults->nLine++;
01743             pResults->nColumn=1;
01744         }
01745     }
01746 }
01748 // Parse XML and return the root element.
01749 XMLNode XMLNode::parseString(XMLCSTR lpszXML, XMLCSTR tag, XMLResults *pResults)
01750 {
01751     if (!lpszXML)
01752     {
01753         if (pResults)
01754         {
01755             pResults->error=eXMLErrorNoElements;
01756             pResults->nLine=0;
01757             pResults->nColumn=0;
01758         }
01759         return emptyXMLNode;
01760     }
01762     XMLNode xnode(NULL,NULL,FALSE);
01763     struct XML xml={ lpszXML, lpszXML, 0, 0, eXMLErrorNone, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, TRUE };
01765     // Create header element
01766     xnode.ParseXMLElement(&xml);
01767     enum XMLError error = xml.error;
01768     if (!xnode.nChildNode()) error=eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound;
01769     if ((xnode.nChildNode()==1)&&(xnode.nElement()==1)) xnode=xnode.getChildNode(); // skip the empty node
01771     // If no error occurred
01772     if ((error==eXMLErrorNone)||(error==eXMLErrorMissingEndTag)||(error==eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound))
01773     {
01774         XMLCSTR name=xnode.getName();
01775         if (tag&&(*tag)&&((!name)||(xstricmp(name,tag))))
01776         {
01777             xnode=xnode.getChildNode(tag);
01778             if (xnode.isEmpty())
01779             {
01780                 if (pResults)
01781                 {
01782                     pResults->error=eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound;
01783                     pResults->nLine=0;
01784                     pResults->nColumn=0;
01785                 }
01786                 return emptyXMLNode;
01787             }
01788         }
01789     } else
01790     {
01791         // Cleanup: this will destroy all the nodes
01792         xnode = emptyXMLNode;
01793     }
01796     // If we have been given somewhere to place results
01797     if (pResults)
01798     {
01799         pResults->error = error;
01801         // If we have an error
01802         if (error!=eXMLErrorNone)
01803         {
01804             if (error==eXMLErrorMissingEndTag) xml.nIndex=xml.nIndexMissigEndTag;
01805             // Find which line and column it starts on.
01806             CountLinesAndColumns(xml.lpXML, xml.nIndex, pResults);
01807         }
01808     }
01809     return xnode;
01810 }
01812 XMLNode XMLNode::parseFile(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag, XMLResults *pResults)
01813 {
01814     if (pResults) { pResults->nLine=0; pResults->nColumn=0; }
01815     FILE *f=xfopen(filename,_CXML("rb"));
01816     if (f==NULL) { if (pResults) pResults->error=eXMLErrorFileNotFound; return emptyXMLNode; }
01817     fseek(f,0,SEEK_END);
01818     int l=(int)ftell(f),headerSz=0;
01819     if (!l) { if (pResults) pResults->error=eXMLErrorEmpty; fclose(f); return emptyXMLNode; }
01820     fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET);
01821     unsigned char *buf=(unsigned char*)malloc(l+4);
01822     l=(int)fread(buf,1,l,f);
01823     fclose(f);
01824     buf[l]=0;buf[l+1]=0;buf[l+2]=0;buf[l+3]=0;
01825 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
01826     if (guessWideCharChars)
01827     {
01828         if (!myIsTextWideChar(buf,l))
01829         {
01830             XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce=XMLNode::char_encoding_legacy;
01831             if ((buf[0]==0xef)&&(buf[1]==0xbb)&&(buf[2]==0xbf)) { headerSz=3; ce=XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8; }
01832             XMLSTR b2=myMultiByteToWideChar((const char*)(buf+headerSz),ce);
01833             free(buf); buf=(unsigned char*)b2; headerSz=0;
01834         } else
01835         {
01836             if ((buf[0]==0xef)&&(buf[1]==0xff)) headerSz=2;
01837             if ((buf[0]==0xff)&&(buf[1]==0xfe)) headerSz=2;
01838         }
01839     } else
01840     {
01841         if ((buf[0]==0xef)&&(buf[1]==0xff)) headerSz=2;
01842         if ((buf[0]==0xff)&&(buf[1]==0xfe)) headerSz=2;
01843         if ((buf[0]==0xef)&&(buf[1]==0xbb)&&(buf[2]==0xbf)) headerSz=3;
01844     }
01845 #else
01846     if (guessWideCharChars)
01847     {
01848         if (myIsTextWideChar(buf,l))
01849         {
01850             if ((buf[0]==0xef)&&(buf[1]==0xff)) headerSz=2;
01851             if ((buf[0]==0xff)&&(buf[1]==0xfe)) headerSz=2;
01852             char *b2=myWideCharToMultiByte((const wchar_t*)(buf+headerSz));
01853             free(buf); buf=(unsigned char*)b2; headerSz=0;
01854         } else
01855         {
01856             if ((buf[0]==0xef)&&(buf[1]==0xbb)&&(buf[2]==0xbf)) headerSz=3;
01857         }
01858     } else
01859     {
01860         if ((buf[0]==0xef)&&(buf[1]==0xff)) headerSz=2;
01861         if ((buf[0]==0xff)&&(buf[1]==0xfe)) headerSz=2;
01862         if ((buf[0]==0xef)&&(buf[1]==0xbb)&&(buf[2]==0xbf)) headerSz=3;
01863     }
01864 #endif
01866     if (!buf) { if (pResults) pResults->error=eXMLErrorCharConversionError; return emptyXMLNode; }
01867     XMLNode x=parseString((XMLSTR)(buf+headerSz),tag,pResults);
01868     free(buf);
01869     return x;
01870 }
01872 static inline void charmemset(XMLSTR dest,XMLCHAR c,int l) { while (l--) *(dest++)=c; }
01873 // private:
01874 // Creates an user friendly XML string from a given element with
01875 // appropriate white space and carriage returns.
01876 //
01877 // This recurses through all subnodes then adds contents of the nodes to the
01878 // string.
01879 int XMLNode::CreateXMLStringR(XMLNodeData *pEntry, XMLSTR lpszMarker, int nFormat)
01880 {
01881     int nResult = 0;
01882     int cb=nFormat<0?0:nFormat;
01883     int cbElement;
01884     int nChildFormat=-1;
01885     int nElementI=pEntry->nChild+pEntry->nText+pEntry->nClear;
01886     int i,j;
01887     if ((nFormat>=0)&&(nElementI==1)&&(pEntry->nText==1)&&(!pEntry->isDeclaration)) nFormat=-2;
01889     assert(pEntry);
01891 #define LENSTR(lpsz) (lpsz ? xstrlen(lpsz) : 0)
01893     // If the element has no name then assume this is the head node.
01894     cbElement = (int)LENSTR(pEntry->lpszName);
01896     if (cbElement)
01897     {
01898         // "<elementname "
01899         if (lpszMarker)
01900         {
01901             if (cb) charmemset(lpszMarker, INDENTCHAR, cb);
01902             nResult = cb;
01903             lpszMarker[nResult++]=_CXML('<');
01904             if (pEntry->isDeclaration) lpszMarker[nResult++]=_CXML('?');
01905             xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pEntry->lpszName);
01906             nResult+=cbElement;
01907             lpszMarker[nResult++]=_CXML(' ');
01909         } else
01910         {
01911             nResult+=cbElement+2+cb;
01912             if (pEntry->isDeclaration) nResult++;
01913         }
01915         // Enumerate attributes and add them to the string
01916         XMLAttribute *pAttr=pEntry->pAttribute;
01917         for (i=0; i<pEntry->nAttribute; i++)
01918         {
01919             // "Attrib
01920             cb = (int)LENSTR(pAttr->lpszName);
01921             if (cb)
01922             {
01923                 if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pAttr->lpszName);
01924                 nResult += cb;
01925                 // "Attrib=Value "
01926                 if (pAttr->lpszValue)
01927                 {
01928                     cb=(int)ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(pAttr->lpszValue);
01929                     if (lpszMarker)
01930                     {
01931                         lpszMarker[nResult]=_CXML('=');
01932                         lpszMarker[nResult+1]=_CXML('"');
01933                         if (cb) ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult+2],pAttr->lpszValue);
01934                         lpszMarker[nResult+cb+2]=_CXML('"');
01935                     }
01936                     nResult+=cb+3;
01937                 }
01938                 if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML(' ');
01939                 nResult++;
01940             }
01941             pAttr++;
01942         }
01944         if (pEntry->isDeclaration)
01945         {
01946             if (lpszMarker)
01947             {
01948                 lpszMarker[nResult-1]=_CXML('?');
01949                 lpszMarker[nResult]=_CXML('>');
01950             }
01951             nResult++;
01952             if (nFormat!=-1)
01953             {
01954                 if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult]=_CXML('\n');
01955                 nResult++;
01956             }
01957         } else
01958             // If there are child nodes we need to terminate the start tag
01959             if (nElementI)
01960             {
01961                 if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult-1]=_CXML('>');
01962                 if (nFormat>=0)
01963                 {
01964                     if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult]=_CXML('\n');
01965                     nResult++;
01966                 }
01967             } else nResult--;
01968     }
01970     // Calculate the child format for when we recurse.  This is used to
01971     // determine the number of spaces used for prefixes.
01972     if (nFormat!=-1)
01973     {
01974         if (cbElement&&(!pEntry->isDeclaration)) nChildFormat=nFormat+1;
01975         else nChildFormat=nFormat;
01976     }
01978     // Enumerate through remaining children
01979     for (i=0; i<nElementI; i++)
01980     {
01981         j=pEntry->pOrder[i];
01982         switch((XMLElementType)(j&3))
01983         {
01984         // Text nodes
01985         case eNodeText:
01986             {
01987                 // "Text"
01988                 XMLCSTR pChild=pEntry->pText[j>>2];
01989                 cb = (int)ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(pChild);
01990                 if (cb)
01991                 {
01992                     if (nFormat>=0)
01993                     {
01994                         if (lpszMarker)
01995                         {
01996                             charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult],INDENTCHAR,nFormat+1);
01997                             ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1],pChild);
01998                             lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1+cb]=_CXML('\n');
01999                         }
02000                         nResult+=cb+nFormat+2;
02001                     } else
02002                     {
02003                         if (lpszMarker) ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild);
02004                         nResult += cb;
02005                     }
02006                 }
02007                 break;
02008             }
02010         // Clear type nodes
02011         case eNodeClear:
02012             {
02013                 XMLClear *pChild=pEntry->pClear+(j>>2);
02014                 // "OpenTag"
02015                 cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszOpenTag);
02016                 if (cb)
02017                 {
02018                     if (nFormat!=-1)
02019                     {
02020                         if (lpszMarker)
02021                         {
02022                             charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult], INDENTCHAR, nFormat+1);
02023                             xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1], pChild->lpszOpenTag);
02024                         }
02025                         nResult+=cb+nFormat+1;
02026                     }
02027                     else
02028                     {
02029                         if (lpszMarker)xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszOpenTag);
02030                         nResult += cb;
02031                     }
02032                 }
02034                 // "OpenTag Value"
02035                 cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszValue);
02036                 if (cb)
02037                 {
02038                     if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszValue);
02039                     nResult += cb;
02040                 }
02042                 // "OpenTag Value CloseTag"
02043                 cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszCloseTag);
02044                 if (cb)
02045                 {
02046                     if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszCloseTag);
02047                     nResult += cb;
02048                 }
02050                 if (nFormat!=-1)
02051                 {
02052                     if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('\n');
02053                     nResult++;
02054                 }
02055                 break;
02056             }
02058         // Element nodes
02059         case eNodeChild:
02060             {
02061                 // Recursively add child nodes
02062                 nResult += CreateXMLStringR(pEntry->pChild[j>>2].d, lpszMarker ? lpszMarker + nResult : 0, nChildFormat);
02063                 break;
02064             }
02065         default: break;
02066         }
02067     }
02069     if ((cbElement)&&(!pEntry->isDeclaration))
02070     {
02071         // If we have child entries we need to use long XML notation for
02072         // closing the element - "<elementname>blah blah blah</elementname>"
02073         if (nElementI)
02074         {
02075             // "</elementname>\0"
02076             if (lpszMarker)
02077             {
02078                 if (nFormat >=0)
02079                 {
02080                     charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult], INDENTCHAR,nFormat);
02081                     nResult+=nFormat;
02082                 }
02084                 lpszMarker[nResult]=_CXML('<'); lpszMarker[nResult+1]=_CXML('/');
02085                 nResult += 2;
02086                 xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pEntry->lpszName);
02087                 nResult += cbElement;
02089                 lpszMarker[nResult]=_CXML('>');
02090                 if (nFormat == -1) nResult++;
02091                 else
02092                 {
02093                     lpszMarker[nResult+1]=_CXML('\n');
02094                     nResult+=2;
02095                 }
02096             } else
02097             {
02098                 if (nFormat>=0) nResult+=cbElement+4+nFormat;
02099                 else if (nFormat==-1) nResult+=cbElement+3;
02100                 else nResult+=cbElement+4;
02101             }
02102         } else
02103         {
02104             // If there are no children we can use shorthand XML notation -
02105             // "<elementname/>"
02106             // "/>\0"
02107             if (lpszMarker)
02108             {
02109                 lpszMarker[nResult]=_CXML('/'); lpszMarker[nResult+1]=_CXML('>');
02110                 if (nFormat != -1) lpszMarker[nResult+2]=_CXML('\n');
02111             }
02112             nResult += nFormat == -1 ? 2 : 3;
02113         }
02114     }
02116     return nResult;
02117 }
02119 #undef LENSTR
02121 // Create an XML string
02122 // @param       int nFormat             - 0 if no formatting is required
02123 //                                        otherwise nonzero for formatted text
02124 //                                        with carriage returns and indentation.
02125 // @param       int *pnSize             - [out] pointer to the size of the
02126 //                                        returned string not including the
02127 //                                        NULL terminator.
02128 // @return      XMLSTR                  - Allocated XML string, you must free
02129 //                                        this with free().
02130 XMLSTR XMLNode::createXMLString(int nFormat, int *pnSize) const
02131 {
02132     if (!d) { if (pnSize) *pnSize=0; return NULL; }
02134     XMLSTR lpszResult = NULL;
02135     int cbStr;
02137     // Recursively Calculate the size of the XML string
02138     if (!dropWhiteSpace) nFormat=0;
02139     nFormat = nFormat ? 0 : -1;
02140     cbStr = CreateXMLStringR(d, 0, nFormat);
02141     // Alllocate memory for the XML string + the NULL terminator and
02142     // create the recursively XML string.
02143     lpszResult=(XMLSTR)malloc((cbStr+1)*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
02144     CreateXMLStringR(d, lpszResult, nFormat);
02145     lpszResult[cbStr]=_CXML('\0');
02146     if (pnSize) *pnSize = cbStr;
02147     return lpszResult;
02148 }
02150 int XMLNode::detachFromParent(XMLNodeData *d)
02151 {
02152     XMLNode *pa=d->pParent->pChild;
02153     int i=0;
02154     while (((void*)(pa[i].d))!=((void*)d)) i++;
02155     d->pParent->nChild--;
02156     if (d->pParent->nChild) memmove(pa+i,pa+i+1,(d->pParent->nChild-i)*sizeof(XMLNode));
02157     else { free(pa); d->pParent->pChild=NULL; }
02158     return removeOrderElement(d->pParent,eNodeChild,i);
02159 }
02161 XMLNode::~XMLNode()
02162 {
02163     if (!d) return;
02164     d->ref_count--;
02165     emptyTheNode(0);
02166 }
02167 void XMLNode::deleteNodeContent()
02168 {
02169     if (!d) return;
02170     if (d->pParent) { detachFromParent(d); d->pParent=NULL; d->ref_count--; }
02171     emptyTheNode(1);
02172 }
02173 void XMLNode::emptyTheNode(char force)
02174 {
02175     XMLNodeData *dd=d; // warning: must stay this way!
02176     if ((dd->ref_count==0)||force)
02177     {
02178         if (d->pParent) detachFromParent(d);
02179         int i;
02180         XMLNode *pc;
02181         for(i=0; i<dd->nChild; i++)
02182         {
02183             pc=dd->pChild+i;
02184             pc->d->pParent=NULL;
02185             pc->d->ref_count--;
02186             pc->emptyTheNode(force);
02187         }
02188         myFree(dd->pChild);
02189         for(i=0; i<dd->nText; i++) free((void*)dd->pText[i]);
02190         myFree(dd->pText);
02191         for(i=0; i<dd->nClear; i++) free((void*)dd->pClear[i].lpszValue);
02192         myFree(dd->pClear);
02193         for(i=0; i<dd->nAttribute; i++)
02194         {
02195             free((void*)dd->pAttribute[i].lpszName);
02196             if (dd->pAttribute[i].lpszValue) free((void*)dd->pAttribute[i].lpszValue);
02197         }
02198         myFree(dd->pAttribute);
02199         myFree(dd->pOrder);
02200         myFree((void*)dd->lpszName);
02201         dd->nChild=0;    dd->nText=0;    dd->nClear=0;    dd->nAttribute=0;
02202         dd->pChild=NULL; dd->pText=NULL; dd->pClear=NULL; dd->pAttribute=NULL;
02203         dd->pOrder=NULL; dd->lpszName=NULL; dd->pParent=NULL;
02204     }
02205     if (dd->ref_count==0)
02206     {
02207         free(dd);
02208         d=NULL;
02209     }
02210 }
02212 XMLNode& XMLNode::operator=( const XMLNode& A )
02213 {
02214     // shallow copy
02215     if (this != &A)
02216     {
02217         if (d) { d->ref_count--; emptyTheNode(0); }
02218         d=A.d;
02219         if (d) (d->ref_count) ++ ;
02220     }
02221     return *this;
02222 }
02224 XMLNode::XMLNode(const XMLNode &A)
02225 {
02226     // shallow copy
02227     d=A.d;
02228     if (d) (d->ref_count)++ ;
02229 }
02231 XMLNode XMLNode::deepCopy() const
02232 {
02233     if (!d) return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
02234     XMLNode x(NULL,stringDup(d->lpszName),d->isDeclaration);
02235     XMLNodeData *p=x.d;
02236     int n=d->nAttribute;
02237     if (n)
02238     {
02239         p->nAttribute=n; p->pAttribute=(XMLAttribute*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLAttribute));
02240         while (n--)
02241         {
02242             p->pAttribute[n].lpszName=stringDup(d->pAttribute[n].lpszName);
02243             p->pAttribute[n].lpszValue=stringDup(d->pAttribute[n].lpszValue);
02244         }
02245     }
02246     if (d->pOrder)
02247     {
02248         n=(d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear)*sizeof(int); p->pOrder=(int*)malloc(n); memcpy(p->pOrder,d->pOrder,n);
02249     }
02250     n=d->nText;
02251     if (n)
02252     {
02253         p->nText=n; p->pText=(XMLCSTR*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLCSTR));
02254         while(n--) p->pText[n]=stringDup(d->pText[n]);
02255     }
02256     n=d->nClear;
02257     if (n)
02258     {
02259         p->nClear=n; p->pClear=(XMLClear*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLClear));
02260         while (n--)
02261         {
02262             p->pClear[n].lpszCloseTag=d->pClear[n].lpszCloseTag;
02263             p->pClear[n].lpszOpenTag=d->pClear[n].lpszOpenTag;
02264             p->pClear[n].lpszValue=stringDup(d->pClear[n].lpszValue);
02265         }
02266     }
02267     n=d->nChild;
02268     if (n)
02269     {
02270         p->nChild=n; p->pChild=(XMLNode*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLNode));
02271         while (n--)
02272         {
02273             p->pChild[n].d=NULL;
02274             p->pChild[n]=d->pChild[n].deepCopy();
02275             p->pChild[n].d->pParent=p;
02276         }
02277     }
02278     return x;
02279 }
02281 XMLNode XMLNode::addChild(XMLNode childNode, int pos)
02282 {
02283     XMLNodeData *dc=childNode.d;
02284     if ((!dc)||(!d)) return childNode;
02285     if (!dc->lpszName)
02286     {
02287         // this is a root node: todo: correct fix
02288         int j=pos;
02289         while (dc->nChild)
02290         {
02291             addChild(dc->pChild[0],j);
02292             if (pos>=0) j++;
02293         }
02294         return childNode;
02295     }
02296     if (dc->pParent) { if ((detachFromParent(dc)<=pos)&&(dc->pParent==d)) pos--; } else dc->ref_count++;
02297     dc->pParent=d;
02298 //     int nc=d->nChild;
02299 //     d->pChild=(XMLNode*)myRealloc(d->pChild,(nc+1),memoryIncrease,sizeof(XMLNode));
02300     d->pChild=(XMLNode*)addToOrder(0,&pos,d->nChild,d->pChild,sizeof(XMLNode),eNodeChild);
02301     d->pChild[pos].d=dc;
02302     d->nChild++;
02303     return childNode;
02304 }
02306 void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(int i)
02307 {
02308     if ((!d)||(i<0)||(i>=d->nAttribute)) return;
02309     d->nAttribute--;
02310     XMLAttribute *p=d->pAttribute+i;
02311     free((void*)p->lpszName);
02312     if (p->lpszValue) free((void*)p->lpszValue);
02313     if (d->nAttribute) memmove(p,p+1,(d->nAttribute-i)*sizeof(XMLAttribute)); else { free(p); d->pAttribute=NULL; }
02314 }
02316 void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(XMLAttribute *a){ if (a) deleteAttribute(a->lpszName); }
02317 void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName)
02318 {
02319     int j=0;
02320     getAttribute(lpszName,&j);
02321     if (j) deleteAttribute(j-1);
02322 }
02324 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLSTR lpszNewName,int i)
02325 {
02326     if (!d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); if (lpszNewName) free(lpszNewName); return NULL; }
02327     if (i>=d->nAttribute)
02328     {
02329         if (lpszNewName) return addAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewName,lpszNewValue);
02330         return NULL;
02331     }
02332     XMLAttribute *p=d->pAttribute+i;
02333     if (p->lpszValue&&p->lpszValue!=lpszNewValue) free((void*)p->lpszValue);
02334     p->lpszValue=lpszNewValue;
02335     if (lpszNewName&&p->lpszName!=lpszNewName) { free((void*)p->lpszName); p->lpszName=lpszNewName; };
02336     return p;
02337 }
02339 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLAttribute *newAttribute, XMLAttribute *oldAttribute)
02340 {
02341     if (oldAttribute) return updateAttribute_WOSD((XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszValue,(XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszName,oldAttribute->lpszName);
02342     return addAttribute_WOSD((XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszName,(XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszValue);
02343 }
02345 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLSTR lpszNewName,XMLCSTR lpszOldName)
02346 {
02347     int j=0;
02348     getAttribute(lpszOldName,&j);
02349     if (j) return updateAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewValue,lpszNewName,j-1);
02350     else
02351     {
02352         if (lpszNewName) return addAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewName,lpszNewValue);
02353         else             return addAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszOldName),lpszNewValue);
02354     }
02355 }
02357 int XMLNode::indexText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const
02358 {
02359     if (!d) return -1;
02360     int i,l=d->nText;
02361     if (!lpszValue) { if (l) return 0; return -1; }
02362     XMLCSTR *p=d->pText;
02363     for (i=0; i<l; i++) if (lpszValue==p[i]) return i;
02364     return -1;
02365 }
02367 void XMLNode::deleteText(int i)
02368 {
02369     if ((!d)||(i<0)||(i>=d->nText)) return;
02370     d->nText--;
02371     XMLCSTR *p=d->pText+i;
02372     free((void*)*p);
02373     if (d->nText) memmove(p,p+1,(d->nText-i)*sizeof(XMLCSTR)); else { free(p); d->pText=NULL; }
02374     removeOrderElement(d,eNodeText,i);
02375 }
02377 void XMLNode::deleteText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) { deleteText(indexText(lpszValue)); }
02379 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, int i)
02380 {
02381     if (!d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); return NULL; }
02382     if (i>=d->nText) return addText_WOSD(lpszNewValue);
02383     XMLCSTR *p=d->pText+i;
02384     if (*p!=lpszNewValue) { free((void*)*p); *p=lpszNewValue; }
02385     return lpszNewValue;
02386 }
02388 XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue)
02389 {
02390     if (!d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); return NULL; }
02391     int i=indexText(lpszOldValue);
02392     if (i>=0) return updateText_WOSD(lpszNewValue,i);
02393     return addText_WOSD(lpszNewValue);
02394 }
02396 void XMLNode::deleteClear(int i)
02397 {
02398     if ((!d)||(i<0)||(i>=d->nClear)) return;
02399     d->nClear--;
02400     XMLClear *p=d->pClear+i;
02401     free((void*)p->lpszValue);
02402     if (d->nClear) memmove(p,p+1,(d->nClear-i)*sizeof(XMLClear)); else { free(p); d->pClear=NULL; }
02403     removeOrderElement(d,eNodeClear,i);
02404 }
02406 int XMLNode::indexClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const
02407 {
02408     if (!d) return -1;
02409     int i,l=d->nClear;
02410     if (!lpszValue) { if (l) return 0; return -1; }
02411     XMLClear *p=d->pClear;
02412     for (i=0; i<l; i++) if (lpszValue==p[i].lpszValue) return i;
02413     return -1;
02414 }
02416 void XMLNode::deleteClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) { deleteClear(indexClear(lpszValue)); }
02417 void XMLNode::deleteClear(XMLClear *a) { if (a) deleteClear(a->lpszValue); }
02419 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent, int i)
02420 {
02421     if (!d) { if (lpszNewContent) free(lpszNewContent); return NULL; }
02422     if (i>=d->nClear) return addClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent);
02423     XMLClear *p=d->pClear+i;
02424     if (lpszNewContent!=p->lpszValue) { free((void*)p->lpszValue); p->lpszValue=lpszNewContent; }
02425     return p;
02426 }
02428 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue)
02429 {
02430     if (!d) { if (lpszNewContent) free(lpszNewContent); return NULL; }
02431     int i=indexClear(lpszOldValue);
02432     if (i>=0) return updateClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent,i);
02433     return addClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent);
02434 }
02436 XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLClear *newP,XMLClear *oldP)
02437 {
02438     if (oldP) return updateClear_WOSD((XMLSTR)newP->lpszValue,(XMLSTR)oldP->lpszValue);
02439     return NULL;
02440 }
02442 int XMLNode::nChildNode(XMLCSTR name) const
02443 {
02444     if (!d) return 0;
02445     int i,j=0,n=d->nChild;
02446     XMLNode *pc=d->pChild;
02447     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
02448     {
02449         if (xstricmp(pc->d->lpszName, name)==0) j++;
02450         pc++;
02451     }
02452     return j;
02453 }
02455 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int *j) const
02456 {
02457     if (!d) return emptyXMLNode;
02458     int i=0,n=d->nChild;
02459     if (j) i=*j;
02460     XMLNode *pc=d->pChild+i;
02461     for (; i<n; i++)
02462     {
02463         if (!xstricmp(pc->d->lpszName, name))
02464         {
02465             if (j) *j=i+1;
02466             return *pc;
02467         }
02468         pc++;
02469     }
02470     return emptyXMLNode;
02471 }
02473 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int j) const
02474 {
02475     if (!d) return emptyXMLNode;
02476     if (j>=0)
02477     {
02478         int i=0;
02479         while (j-->0) getChildNode(name,&i);
02480         return getChildNode(name,&i);
02481     }
02482     int i=d->nChild;
02483     while (i--) if (!xstricmp(name,d->pChild[i].d->lpszName)) break;
02484     if (i<0) return emptyXMLNode;
02485     return getChildNode(i);
02486 }
02488 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeByPath(XMLCSTR _path, char createMissing, XMLCHAR sep)
02489 {
02490     XMLSTR path=stringDup(_path);
02491     XMLNode x=getChildNodeByPathNonConst(path,createMissing,sep);
02492     if (path) free(path);
02493     return x;
02494 }
02496 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeByPathNonConst(XMLSTR path, char createIfMissing, XMLCHAR sep)
02497 {
02498     if ((!path)||(!(*path))) return *this;
02499     XMLNode xn,xbase=*this;
02500     XMLCHAR *tend1,sepString[2]; sepString[0]=sep; sepString[1]=0;
02501     tend1=xstrstr(path,sepString);
02502     while(tend1)
02503     {
02504         *tend1=0;
02505         xn=xbase.getChildNode(path);
02506         if (xn.isEmpty())
02507         {
02508             if (createIfMissing) xn=xbase.addChild(path);
02509             else { *tend1=sep; return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode; }
02510         }
02511         *tend1=sep;
02512         xbase=xn;
02513         path=tend1+1;
02514         tend1=xstrstr(path,sepString);
02515     }
02516     xn=xbase.getChildNode(path);
02517     if (xn.isEmpty()&&createIfMissing) xn=xbase.addChild(path);
02518     return xn;
02519 }
02521 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfText     (int i) const { if (i>=d->nText ) i=d->nText-1;  return findPosition(d,i,eNodeText ); }
02522 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear    (int i) const { if (i>=d->nClear) i=d->nClear-1; return findPosition(d,i,eNodeClear); }
02523 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(int i) const { if (i>=d->nChild) i=d->nChild-1; return findPosition(d,i,eNodeChild); }
02524 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfText (XMLCSTR lpszValue) const { return positionOfText (indexText (lpszValue)); }
02525 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const { return positionOfClear(indexClear(lpszValue)); }
02526 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear(XMLClear *a) const { if (a) return positionOfClear(a->lpszValue); return positionOfClear(); }
02527 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(XMLNode x)  const
02528 {
02529     if ((!d)||(!x.d)) return -1;
02530     XMLNodeData *dd=x.d;
02531     XMLNode *pc=d->pChild;
02532     int i=d->nChild;
02533     while (i--) if (pc[i].d==dd) return findPosition(d,i,eNodeChild);
02534     return -1;
02535 }
02536 XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int count) const
02537 {
02538     if (!name) return positionOfChildNode(count);
02539     int j=0;
02540     do { getChildNode(name,&j); if (j<0) return -1; } while (count--);
02541     return findPosition(d,j-1,eNodeChild);
02542 }
02544 XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeWithAttribute(XMLCSTR name,XMLCSTR attributeName,XMLCSTR attributeValue, int *k) const
02545 {
02546      int i=0,j;
02547      if (k) i=*k;
02548      XMLNode x;
02549      XMLCSTR t;
02550      do
02551      {
02552          x=getChildNode(name,&i);
02553          if (!x.isEmpty())
02554          {
02555              if (attributeValue)
02556              {
02557                  j=0;
02558                  do
02559                  {
02560                      t=x.getAttribute(attributeName,&j);
02561                      if (t&&(xstricmp(attributeValue,t)==0)) { if (k) *k=i; return x; }
02562                  } while (t);
02563              } else
02564              {
02565                  if (x.isAttributeSet(attributeName)) { if (k) *k=i; return x; }
02566              }
02567          }
02568      } while (!x.isEmpty());
02569      return emptyXMLNode;
02570 }
02572 // Find an attribute on an node.
02573 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszAttrib, int *j) const
02574 {
02575     if (!d) return NULL;
02576     int i=0,n=d->nAttribute;
02577     if (j) i=*j;
02578     XMLAttribute *pAttr=d->pAttribute+i;
02579     for (; i<n; i++)
02580     {
02581         if (xstricmp(pAttr->lpszName, lpszAttrib)==0)
02582         {
02583             if (j) *j=i+1;
02584             return pAttr->lpszValue;
02585         }
02586         pAttr++;
02587     }
02588     return NULL;
02589 }
02591 char XMLNode::isAttributeSet(XMLCSTR lpszAttrib) const
02592 {
02593     if (!d) return FALSE;
02594     int i,n=d->nAttribute;
02595     XMLAttribute *pAttr=d->pAttribute;
02596     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
02597     {
02598         if (xstricmp(pAttr->lpszName, lpszAttrib)==0)
02599         {
02600             return TRUE;
02601         }
02602         pAttr++;
02603     }
02604     return FALSE;
02605 }
02607 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttribute(XMLCSTR name, int j) const
02608 {
02609     if (!d) return NULL;
02610     int i=0;
02611     while (j-->0) getAttribute(name,&i);
02612     return getAttribute(name,&i);
02613 }
02615 XMLNodeContents XMLNode::enumContents(int i) const
02616 {
02617     XMLNodeContents c;
02618     if (!d) { c.etype=eNodeNULL; return c; }
02619     if (i<d->nAttribute)
02620     {
02621         c.etype=eNodeAttribute;
02622         c.attrib=d->pAttribute[i];
02623         return c;
02624     }
02625     i-=d->nAttribute;
02626     c.etype=(XMLElementType)(d->pOrder[i]&3);
02627     i=(d->pOrder[i])>>2;
02628     switch (c.etype)
02629     {
02630     case eNodeChild:     c.child = d->pChild[i];      break;
02631     case eNodeText:      c.text  = d->pText[i];       break;
02632     case eNodeClear:     c.clear = d->pClear[i];      break;
02633     default: break;
02634     }
02635     return c;
02636 }
02638 XMLCSTR XMLNode::getName() const { if (!d) return NULL; return d->lpszName;   }
02639 int XMLNode::nText()       const { if (!d) return 0;    return d->nText;      }
02640 int XMLNode::nChildNode()  const { if (!d) return 0;    return d->nChild;     }
02641 int XMLNode::nAttribute()  const { if (!d) return 0;    return d->nAttribute; }
02642 int XMLNode::nClear()      const { if (!d) return 0;    return d->nClear;     }
02643 int XMLNode::nElement()    const { if (!d) return 0;    return d->nAttribute+d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear; }
02644 XMLClear     XMLNode::getClear         (int i) const { if ((!d)||(i>=d->nClear    )) return emptyXMLClear;     return d->pClear[i];     }
02645 XMLAttribute XMLNode::getAttribute     (int i) const { if ((!d)||(i>=d->nAttribute)) return emptyXMLAttribute; return d->pAttribute[i]; }
02646 XMLCSTR      XMLNode::getAttributeName (int i) const { if ((!d)||(i>=d->nAttribute)) return NULL;              return d->pAttribute[i].lpszName;  }
02647 XMLCSTR      XMLNode::getAttributeValue(int i) const { if ((!d)||(i>=d->nAttribute)) return NULL;              return d->pAttribute[i].lpszValue; }
02648 XMLCSTR      XMLNode::getText          (int i) const { if ((!d)||(i>=d->nText     )) return NULL;              return d->pText[i];      }
02649 XMLNode      XMLNode::getChildNode     (int i) const { if ((!d)||(i>=d->nChild    )) return emptyXMLNode;      return d->pChild[i];     }
02650 XMLNode      XMLNode::getParentNode    (     ) const { if ((!d)||(!d->pParent     )) return emptyXMLNode;      return XMLNode(d->pParent); }
02651 char         XMLNode::isDeclaration    (     ) const { if (!d) return 0;             return d->isDeclaration; }
02652 char         XMLNode::isEmpty          (     ) const { return (d==NULL); }
02653 XMLNode       XMLNode::emptyNode       (     )       { return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode; }
02655 XMLNode       XMLNode::addChild(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, XMLElementPosition pos)
02656               { return addChild_priv(0,stringDup(lpszName),isDeclaration,pos); }
02657 XMLNode       XMLNode::addChild_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, XMLElementPosition pos)
02658               { return addChild_priv(0,lpszName,isDeclaration,pos); }
02659 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName, XMLCSTR lpszValue)
02660               { return addAttribute_priv(0,stringDup(lpszName),stringDup(lpszValue)); }
02661 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, XMLSTR lpszValuev)
02662               { return addAttribute_priv(0,lpszName,lpszValuev); }
02663 XMLCSTR       XMLNode::addText(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos)
02664               { return addText_priv(0,stringDup(lpszValue),pos); }
02665 XMLCSTR       XMLNode::addText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos)
02666               { return addText_priv(0,lpszValue,pos); }
02667 XMLClear     *XMLNode::addClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, XMLElementPosition pos)
02668               { return addClear_priv(0,stringDup(lpszValue),lpszOpen,lpszClose,pos); }
02669 XMLClear     *XMLNode::addClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, XMLElementPosition pos)
02670               { return addClear_priv(0,lpszValue,lpszOpen,lpszClose,pos); }
02671 XMLCSTR       XMLNode::updateName(XMLCSTR lpszName)
02672               { return updateName_WOSD(stringDup(lpszName)); }
02673 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLAttribute *newAttribute, XMLAttribute *oldAttribute)
02674               { return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(newAttribute->lpszValue),stringDup(newAttribute->lpszName),oldAttribute->lpszName); }
02675 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszNewName,int i)
02676               { return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue),stringDup(lpszNewName),i); }
02677 XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszNewName,XMLCSTR lpszOldName)
02678               { return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue),stringDup(lpszNewName),lpszOldName); }
02679 XMLCSTR       XMLNode::updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, int i)
02680               { return updateText_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue),i); }
02681 XMLCSTR       XMLNode::updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue)
02682               { return updateText_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue),lpszOldValue); }
02683 XMLClear     *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewContent, int i)
02684               { return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewContent),i); }
02685 XMLClear     *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue)
02686               { return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue),lpszOldValue); }
02687 XMLClear     *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLClear *newP,XMLClear *oldP)
02688               { return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(newP->lpszValue),oldP->lpszValue); }
02690 char XMLNode::setGlobalOptions(XMLCharEncoding _characterEncoding, char _guessWideCharChars,
02691                                char _dropWhiteSpace, char _removeCommentsInMiddleOfText)
02692 {
02693     guessWideCharChars=_guessWideCharChars; dropWhiteSpace=_dropWhiteSpace; removeCommentsInMiddleOfText=_removeCommentsInMiddleOfText;
02694 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
02695     if (_characterEncoding) characterEncoding=_characterEncoding;
02696 #else
02697     switch(_characterEncoding)
02698     {
02699     case char_encoding_UTF8:     characterEncoding=_characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable=XML_utf8ByteTable; break;
02700     case char_encoding_legacy:   characterEncoding=_characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable=XML_legacyByteTable; break;
02701     case char_encoding_ShiftJIS: characterEncoding=_characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable=XML_sjisByteTable; break;
02702     case char_encoding_GB2312:   characterEncoding=_characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable=XML_gb2312ByteTable; break;
02703     case char_encoding_Big5:
02704     case char_encoding_GBK:      characterEncoding=_characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable=XML_gbk_big5_ByteTable; break;
02705     default: return 1;
02706     }
02707 #endif
02708     return 0;
02709 }
02711 XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding XMLNode::guessCharEncoding(void *buf,int l, char useXMLEncodingAttribute)
02712 {
02713 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
02714     return (XMLCharEncoding)0;
02715 #else
02716     if (l<25) return (XMLCharEncoding)0;
02717     if (guessWideCharChars&&(myIsTextWideChar(buf,l))) return (XMLCharEncoding)0;
02718     unsigned char *b=(unsigned char*)buf;
02719     if ((b[0]==0xef)&&(b[1]==0xbb)&&(b[2]==0xbf)) return char_encoding_UTF8;
02721     // Match utf-8 model ?
02722     XMLCharEncoding bestGuess=char_encoding_UTF8;
02723     int i=0;
02724     while (i<l)
02725         switch (XML_utf8ByteTable[b[i]])
02726         {
02727         case 4: i++; if ((i<l)&&(b[i]& 0xC0)!=0x80) { bestGuess=char_encoding_legacy; i=l; } // 10bbbbbb ?
02728         case 3: i++; if ((i<l)&&(b[i]& 0xC0)!=0x80) { bestGuess=char_encoding_legacy; i=l; } // 10bbbbbb ?
02729         case 2: i++; if ((i<l)&&(b[i]& 0xC0)!=0x80) { bestGuess=char_encoding_legacy; i=l; } // 10bbbbbb ?
02730         case 1: i++; break;
02731         case 0: i=l;
02732         }
02733     if (!useXMLEncodingAttribute) return bestGuess;
02734     // if encoding is specified and different from utf-8 than it's non-utf8
02735     // otherwise it's utf-8
02736     char bb[201];
02737     l=mmin(l,200);
02738     memcpy(bb,buf,l); // copy buf into bb to be able to do "bb[l]=0"
02739     bb[l]=0;
02740     b=(unsigned char*)strstr(bb,"encoding");
02741     if (!b) return bestGuess;
02742     b+=8; while XML_isSPACECHAR(*b) b++; if (*b!='=') return bestGuess;
02743     b++;  while XML_isSPACECHAR(*b) b++; if ((*b!='\'')&&(*b!='"')) return bestGuess;
02744     b++;  while XML_isSPACECHAR(*b) b++;
02746     if ((xstrnicmp((char*)b,"utf-8",5)==0)||
02747         (xstrnicmp((char*)b,"utf8",4)==0))
02748     {
02749         if (bestGuess==char_encoding_legacy) return char_encoding_error;
02750         return char_encoding_UTF8;
02751     }
02753     if ((xstrnicmp((char*)b,"shiftjis",8)==0)||
02754         (xstrnicmp((char*)b,"shift-jis",9)==0)||
02755         (xstrnicmp((char*)b,"sjis",4)==0)) return char_encoding_ShiftJIS;
02757     if (xstrnicmp((char*)b,"GB2312",6)==0) return char_encoding_GB2312;
02758     if (xstrnicmp((char*)b,"Big5",4)==0) return char_encoding_Big5;
02759     if (xstrnicmp((char*)b,"GBK",3)==0) return char_encoding_GBK;
02761     return char_encoding_legacy;
02762 #endif
02763 }
02764 #undef XML_isSPACECHAR
02767 //      Here starts the base64 conversion functions.    //
02770 static const char base64Fillchar = _CXML('='); // used to mark partial words at the end
02772 // this lookup table defines the base64 encoding
02773 XMLCSTR base64EncodeTable=_CXML("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/");
02775 // Decode Table gives the index of any valid base64 character in the Base64 table]
02776 // 96: '='  -   97: space char   -   98: illegal char   -   99: end of string
02777 const unsigned char base64DecodeTable[] = {
02778     99,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,97,  97,98,98,97,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  //00 -29
02779     98,98,97,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,62,98,98,98,63,52,53,  54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,98,98,  //30 -59
02780     98,96,98,98,98, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,   5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,  15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,  //60 -89
02781     25,98,98,98,98,98,98,26,27,28,  29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,  39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,  //90 -119
02782     49,50,51,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  //120 -149
02783     98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  //150 -179
02784     98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  //180 -209
02785     98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  //210 -239
02786     98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,  98,98,98,98,98,98                                               //240 -255
02787 };
02789 XMLParserBase64Tool::~XMLParserBase64Tool(){ freeBuffer(); }
02791 void XMLParserBase64Tool::freeBuffer(){ if (buf) free(buf); buf=NULL; buflen=0; }
02793 int XMLParserBase64Tool::encodeLength(int inlen, char formatted)
02794 {
02795     unsigned int i=((inlen-1)/3*4+4+1);
02796     if (formatted) i+=inlen/54;
02797     return i;
02798 }
02800 XMLSTR XMLParserBase64Tool::encode(unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen, char formatted)
02801 {
02802     int i=encodeLength(inlen,formatted),k=17,eLen=inlen/3,j;
02803     alloc(i*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
02804     XMLSTR curr=(XMLSTR)buf;
02805     for(i=0;i<eLen;i++)
02806     {
02807         // Copy next three bytes into lower 24 bits of int, paying attention to sign.
02808         j=(inbuf[0]<<16)|(inbuf[1]<<8)|inbuf[2]; inbuf+=3;
02809         // Encode the int into four chars
02810         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[ j>>18      ];
02811         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[(j>>12)&0x3f];
02812         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[(j>> 6)&0x3f];
02813         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[(j    )&0x3f];
02814         if (formatted) { if (!k) { *(curr++)=_CXML('\n'); k=18; } k--; }
02815     }
02816     eLen=inlen-eLen*3; // 0 - 2.
02817     if (eLen==1)
02818     {
02819         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[ inbuf[0]>>2      ];
02820         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[(inbuf[0]<<4)&0x3F];
02821         *(curr++)=base64Fillchar;
02822         *(curr++)=base64Fillchar;
02823     } else if (eLen==2)
02824     {
02825         j=(inbuf[0]<<8)|inbuf[1];
02826         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[ j>>10      ];
02827         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[(j>> 4)&0x3f];
02828         *(curr++)=base64EncodeTable[(j<< 2)&0x3f];
02829         *(curr++)=base64Fillchar;
02830     }
02831     *(curr++)=0;
02832     return (XMLSTR)buf;
02833 }
02835 unsigned int XMLParserBase64Tool::decodeSize(XMLCSTR data,XMLError *xe)
02836 {
02837     if (!data) return 0;
02838     if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorNone;
02839     int size=0;
02840     unsigned char c;
02841     //skip any extra characters (e.g. newlines or spaces)
02842     while (*data)
02843     {
02844 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
02845         if (*data>255) { if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; }
02846 #endif
02847         c=base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)(*data)];
02848         if (c<97) size++;
02849         else if (c==98) { if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; }
02850         data++;
02851     }
02852     if (xe&&(size%4!=0)) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DataSizeIsNotMultipleOf4;
02853     if (size==0) return 0;
02854     do { data--; size--; } while(*data==base64Fillchar); size++;
02855     return (unsigned int)((size*3)/4);
02856 }
02858 unsigned char XMLParserBase64Tool::decode(XMLCSTR data, unsigned char *buf, int len, XMLError *xe)
02859 {
02860     if (!data) return 0;
02861     if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorNone;
02862     int i=0,p=0;
02863     unsigned char d,c;
02864     for(;;)
02865     {
02867 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR
02868 #define BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(c)                                              \
02869         do {                                                                        \
02870             if (data[i]>255){ c=98; break; }                                        \
02871             c=base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)data[i++]];                       \
02872         }while (c==97);                                                             \
02873         if(c==98){ if(xe)*xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; }
02874 #else
02875 #define BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(c)                                           \
02876         do { c=base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)data[i++]]; }while (c==97);   \
02877         if(c==98){ if(xe)*xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; }
02878 #endif
02880         BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(c)
02881         if (c==99) { return 2; }
02882         if (c==96)
02883         {
02884             if (p==(int)len) return 2;
02885             if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData;
02886             return 1;
02887         }
02889         BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(d)
02890         if ((d==99)||(d==96)) { if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData;  return 1; }
02891         if (p==(int)len) {      if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall; return 0; }
02892         buf[p++]=(unsigned char)((c<<2)|((d>>4)&0x3));
02894         BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(c)
02895         if (c==99) { if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData;  return 1; }
02896         if (p==(int)len)
02897         {
02898             if (c==96) return 2;
02899             if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall;
02900             return 0;
02901         }
02902         if (c==96) { if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData;  return 1; }
02903         buf[p++]=(unsigned char)(((d<<4)&0xf0)|((c>>2)&0xf));
02905         BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(d)
02906         if (d==99 ) { if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData;  return 1; }
02907         if (p==(int)len)
02908         {
02909             if (d==96) return 2;
02910             if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall;
02911             return 0;
02912         }
02913         if (d==96) { if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData;  return 1; }
02914         buf[p++]=(unsigned char)(((c<<6)&0xc0)|d);
02915     }
02916 }
02919 void XMLParserBase64Tool::alloc(int newsize)
02920 {
02921     if ((!buf)&&(newsize)) { buf=malloc(newsize); buflen=newsize; return; }
02922     if (newsize>buflen) { buf=realloc(buf,newsize); buflen=newsize; }
02923 }
02925 unsigned char *XMLParserBase64Tool::decode(XMLCSTR data, int *outlen, XMLError *xe)
02926 {
02927     if (xe) *xe=eXMLErrorNone;
02928     if (!data) { *outlen=0; return (unsigned char*)""; }
02929     unsigned int len=decodeSize(data,xe);
02930     if (outlen) *outlen=len;
02931     if (!len) return NULL;
02932     alloc(len+1);
02933     if(!decode(data,(unsigned char*)buf,len,xe)){ return NULL; }
02934     return (unsigned char*)buf;
02935 }
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